Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Miss Pocket

Miss Pocket!

Happy Birthday to you! Five is a wonderful age. You are old enough to know better and you are young enough not to care... :)

I got our invitation and of course we will attend.

Can I make a suggestion? We don't want a Prince Harry repeat. I know some dogs will go full Monty at the drop of a drink, so no cameras and no cell phones?

What goes on in Leopard Vagina Kitty Condo, must stay in the Leopard Vagina Condo.

Time: September 4, 2012 all dayLocation: Leopard Vagina Kitty Condo
Event Type: birthday, party
Organized By: Foley Monster and Pocket

Looking forward to the celebration.

'vie and JD and the Wendy too.


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Thank you so much. Don't worry, I can't figure out how to work the velcro on my pants so they aren't coming off. Thank you for doing a whole blog about my birthday. No one has done that before. I am blushing.

silvieon4 said...

You are most welcome. And we can help you with the Velcro, we take JD's belly band off all the times!