Tuesday, November 30, 2010
A difficult vote, so many deserving candidates...
Can I point out one tiny thing....they are all two leggeds...
Barcelona, Casa Batllo
We figure that since she talks about Alpargatera we would give them a look see and maybe pick up whatever espadrilles are.
But then I saw this building and I simply had to explore it! The whole thing looks like a spiny something with bumps!!! Check it out!
We will be going for lunch after we explore central Barcelona, Passeig de Gracia, the Bulevard Rosa, Carrer d'Arago. There are lots of great tapas places on the Barri Gotic streets and we plan lunch there as soon as we pick up the espadrilles.
Well, got to go!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Finally, Susie' s Law goes into effect
This needs to be a national, no international law!
'vie who follows the news even when she is traveling!
Fontana Trevi pit stop
This shopping all over the world stuff is really tiring. After some world class shopping in Corso Porta Borsari, in Corso Santa Anastasia and Via Mazzini, we left Verona and headed south- sud as they say here. Rome! Apparently that Ferrawhatsss stuff is here, But before we do anything else, we decided to stop for a bit at the Trevi Fountain. Cool place. The mist made my do all fuzzy. Hummditty ! Now... you know there are a whole lot of coins in that fountain. If I can get my paws of them I bet we could upgrade our shopping quite a bit, any ideas? Sometimes I really miss not having thumbs.
Ciao ciao
Sunday, November 28, 2010
O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
His loss, this handsome Husky called Renato noticed me! Ciao carissimo Renato.
Ferra... what? Oh yes, got to go. Gurgle me I am there! Silvieon4.com.... ciao ciao
[Note to Wendy... I love Italian dogs!!! Did you see that Bolognese eying you?]
Saturday, November 27, 2010
First Stop...
Momma said I need to be creative in my gift giving. She said not to be lazy. To look for "unique". Think out of the box. [Does that mean cheaper???] SO we decided to search the world over for gifties... We started in Via Condotti...now in London.
This shopping stuff is hard! Fish and chips anyone??? No, I am not going to Portobello! I did not come all this way to go to a flea market! Those things are wicked itchy ...
Friday, November 26, 2010
Let the shopping season begin!
On my list:
1. Chewies for me...
2. Squeaky chicken for me...
3. a cute camera for daddy
4. a collar for momma [she would too wear this collar!!!!]get a matching one for nonna too!
5. a collar for Dowi [ditto for Dowi... 'cause you know what? Rocks always win over paper and scissors!]
6. a wine thingie for Adam
7. for JD, his own viewer
8. for Wendy Pooh, a place of her own
9. for Auntie Robin and uncle Jack, a new White Dog Cottage
10. For Dr K.....this.... and he KNOWS why.
Anywho, that's my starter list. Now I need one of those plastic things. Where is momma's purse?
Thursday, November 25, 2010
about Thanksgiving
may your pies not be soggy
may you not get too groggy
and may someone else do the dishes
May your stuffing be plentiful
your mashed potatoes be creamy
may your veggies be dreamy
and may you not be wasteful
May all at your table be merry and thankful
may civility and grace abound
May you only gain a pound
If you are carving, be careful
Most of all
may you recall
that your fourlegged will eat anything that falls...
Happy Thanksgiving
one and all!
a T day favorite joke, from back in the day!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
SO... what did the TURKEY do?????
John's parrot
John received a parrot as an early Christmas gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of the bird's mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity. John tried and tried to change the bird's attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to 'clean up' the bird's vocabulary. Finally, John was fed up and he yelled at the parrot.
The parrot yelled back. John shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even ruder.
John, in desperation, threw up his hands, grabbed the bird and shoved him in the freezer. For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed. Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute. Fearing that he'd hurt the parrot, John
quickly opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out onto John's outstretched arms and said 'I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I'm sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I
can to correct my rude and unforgivable behavior.'
John was stunned at the change in the bird's attitude. As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behavior, the bird continued.... ........"May I inquire as to what the turkey did?'
Ok, This was sent to me. It has me thinking. What did the turkey do? By the way, that turkey was smelling good even in the brine! SO I know it had to be food??? I hope it knew it was food!
thankful I am NOT a turkey
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tips for safe holidays for your 4leggeds
SO, cin cin, salute and kampai
UFC alert!
I heard a "smallish" ARF
I could not possibly begin to imagine how small a dog would make that itty bitty bark.
But then I looked up because the ARF was coming from above.
To say that what I saw shocked me would be an understatement.
There in the sky there was a small
Saucer? Frisbee?
I have no clue what you would call it, the the little spinning thing was ARFING at me!
I am not one who hides in the face of the unknown. After all I take my directives seriously.
I am a Trekkie you know, I do go boldly where no dog has gone before. So, I stayed.
I listened and tried to communicate back with the small spinny thing.
Well folks, here is the deal. Spinny as I have dubbed it, is an UFC. Unidentified Flying Chewie.
It is the craft for a mini space alien, a very evolved alien that speaks fluent North American Bichon [although it lacked the southern twang I am accustomed to] They came to earth to observe Big Fat Chicken day, what you call Thanksgiving. They realize that you must be invited to a Thanksgiving meal and they were here to beg for an invite. What to do what to do.
I sort of said yes... I actually said yes. Now... how to tell the momma to expect tiny aliens.
You know, it is easier to ask forgiveness than it is to ask permission... and the UFC and its driver only speak dog... and I just know they are going to eat a large portions of BIG Chicken and pie.
I need to be a good host. I rep the EARTH, momma should understand that. There is a lot of responsibility on these here little shoulders and she should cooperate. I have to tell momma.
she needs to get a bigger Big Fat Chicken. She needs to make sure there is enough for the tiny alien and Spinny. I have no choice. And I will take custody of the larger portions for the tiny guest and I will deliver the same. After all they only speak dog!
Well, I am off to discuss this whole matter with the momma. Wish me luck.
ARF ARF to you
Guess what JD???
Happy Happy Happy birthday, we love you so much and yes, you are a cool big brother.
Wendy, 'vie and the 2leggeds too!
Monday, November 22, 2010
JD balances his life...
So.... this is what JD does to grab attention! He is forever telling us that his ancestors were honest working circus dogs. Why he brags about that I am not sure. Personally I have a few titles for this picture, but you might want to add your own.
Try these: "Top of the world MA!"
"I am a guy on the ball!"
"Can you see me now?"
"This week I will get best photo!" [see Tyra I am smiling with my eyes!]
"No, ossifer, I only had the one drink"
"I 've got the whole world at my paws"
"Now what? How do I get down?"
'I am right on Target!" [ hahahahahahaha this one just cracks me up]
"I am on top of that!"
"You should see me on the trapeze!"
Heyyyy JD you have a birthday coming up... Gulp. You are going to be 8? OMD! You are twice as old as me. Did anyone tell you that you are a senior dog?
fine, I 'll shut up now. Grouch.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
focus here...
Just look into my eyes. You are feeling sleepy, very sleepy, oh wait... you are feeling relaxed. Very relaxed, keep looking into my eyes...
is it working yet??? Are you hypnotized? [This is a lot harder than that book said! I am never going to get to his chewies!]
Keep staring into my eyes, you are feeling relaxed... you are feeling sleepy.... want to yawn yet?
Saturday, November 20, 2010
do you hear the garage door?
if they are made now why
can't I have them now???? I love gnocchi. I think you should let me taste them now. Like now. Right now.
Momma you are NO fun.
think about it.... what if they are no good???? I am willing to be the taste taster at great personal risk.... drat still no...
happied: Big dog, Big cat, Big friends?
Some friendships transcend. Look at momma and I!!! Never mind. She is the blur running around the kitchen. I am just watching...
Guinness cheesecake, rum cake and bourbon pie? OOOUEEEE somebody is going to get buzzed.
DO you think they will blitz after???? Here is hoping.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
yes, I see it , but
What do I get? that you have been baking is a given... but what have you made for me??????? Momma... I count. You need to make me some cranberry biscotti or something.... Oh oh oreo is not on my diet list. But I will take a slice of ...mhhhh apple cake...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Leaf it alone!
We went out in the backyard today, when we came back indoors, we brought in a few leaves which had attached to us. Considering it is fall and considering that old oak has tons of leaves, a leaf covered deck is normal. Dragging in a few leaves should be expected. But in my house those three or four or five leaves touched off a whole chain of events that have left me scratching my head. Let me chronicle the domino effect for you.
Momma saw the leaves. She was clearly annoyed and immediately vacuumed the floor. It would have ended there, but noooooo. Momma looked out on the deck and saw the piles of leaves from old oakie. Her eyebrows became weird. Her nostrils flared. Without a single word, she turned on her heels and went upstairs. She disappeared into her closet and five minutes later a strange incarnation of momma emerged. At first we thought that she was in costume. That would have been the reasonable explanation. Otherwise how could you justify the get up? The whole ensemble was a convoluted counter fashion statement. Sweat pants that looked like mom jeans tucked into sox...plastic garden clogs... One of daddy's old shirts...missing a few buttons, sleeves rolled a zillion times, hair pulled back... For the love of Rachel Zoe, woman, whyyyyyy?
Without hesitation she went downstairs, fumbled in the patio, and completed her get up with ugly orange gloves and some sort of hat. At this point I suddenly realized that she was headed for the back yard! OMD! I tried to stop her. I literally threw myself in front of her. Seriously! The backyard is public space. Somebody might see her! In the name of Tim Gunn, please stop! I let you compromise many snuggles so you could read your fashion magazine and now this?
I would have taken her picture, but 1. I have no insurance on that lens and 2. I don't think my camera has a travesty setting. Did I forget to mention the goggles? Apparently she thought that was the perfect accessory...oh well...
Nothing and no one could have stopped momma. When she is on a mission, her eyebrows become angry and she develops tunnel vision. She headed out to the deck armed with the loud blower thing and within second we knew that she was not stopping until the deck was leaf free. She pointed her weapon and was not deterred. Not even when she got splashed by the rainwater which filled a flower pot. Not even when shmutz got all over her. Normal momma would have been running for anti bacterial soap...
Almost two hours later, a tired, sweaty, dirty momma was done. Not one leaf on the deck. She headed upstairs, stripped, put the shameful ensemble in the washer ( too bad it's a front loader and it locks once the wash cycle starts... Else I would have relocated that outfit to the waste basket...) momma took a bath and in that ritual "cleansing" my momma returned.
She finally smelled pretty, looked normal, hair in place... She headed downstairs to work on dinner. We all settled down... Sort of... JD pulled me over and showed me the deck...the now leaf covered deck... Yes leaf covered... Folks it is FALL... Right there and then we swore each other to secrecy because let's face it, nobody wanted round two of hobo momma... We kept her away from the french doors.
She stayed blissfully ignorant and content in her delusion of control!
Wonder how long that delusion will last.
waiting for for an iced latte
Why does it always have to be a crowded affair? Just once I would like to be able to walk into the shop and buy my own latte so that I don't have to be squished with JD and Wendy. And why is it taking so long?
tapping my paw... the clock is ticking ticking ticking...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Hey NOVA check this out!!!
And Dogs Decoded thought they were showing something "new"!!!!
Dogs are SMART! This four legged should be on tour!!!!
Hey kid what do you call your piano concerto, anyway???
auntie Robin... are you behind this????
I just know she had something to do with this... Momma has been pushing the orange things lately... something about losing weight... shudder... one or two maybe... but when I hear bag crinkling I don't expect carrots!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Editorial. Lawmakers shouldn’t overturn puppy mill vote
Read more: http://www.kansascity.com/2010/11/06/2401104/lawmakers-shouldnt-overturn-puppy.html#ixzz15OllVIrP"
Dear Missouri lawmakers,
Are you really that corrupt? Are you so soul-less that you would shame yourself in the eyes of the entire world by repealing Proposition B for kickbacks and favors ? If truly it is the will of Missouri people to repeal Proposition B, then you the spineless legislators should lead by example and drag your constituency out of the ignorant barbaric practices they have become accustomed to, into the moral, just and humanitarian practices that afford every living creature freedom from hunger, from pain and from exploitation.
If Missouri as a state can't honor its own democratic process, may we suggest that perhaps it is high time that a federal law mandate the closure of every single puppy mill in the USA. IT IS TIME.
Hey Governor Nixon, how about spending some cash to educate your constituency. Lead them out of ignorance and out of the business of animal sex trade and into real jobs. You know, the kind of jobs that generate real taxes and reportable income and actually contribute to the economy without profiteering from pain and misery.
We are watching you. We are all watching you. Enough. Missouri, your Dirty Dozen have to go.
Sign me one very angry dog
Fall has "fallen" all over the place
Beautiful shades evoking feelings of peace, reminding me of the temporality of seasons [I can get soo deep I can drown you], breathing deeply as I pondered life and purpose.
Trying to soak in every single nuance of my surroundings. Inhaling the whole vision and internalizing the moment.
The explosions of colors, the musty smells of fall. What else can one ask as a background for some existential soul searching? Actually a Madelaine to nosh on and some coffee to sip on would have been nice...
Finding my anchor in the deep roots of the big tree and joy in the silliness of the pumpkin perched on the post.
Wondering where the nest dwellers have gone to for the season. Are they at a beach? Are they in a city? Will they return to this nest?
I sit and watch and sniff. I am immersed in contemplation. The loudness of the silence drowns my every thought. [told you I can get deep enough to drown you]
Wait... what is that noise???? What is disturbing my Proust moment???? What dares to intrude on my fall meditation???
You! You Bushy Tailed RAT! You vile creature! Are you here to ruin perfection? Are you the thorn to my rose? Are you my reality check?? Be gone from here! Leave me to my thoughts...
Why does perfection elude me so???
The Last Flower
Rich the first flower's graces be,
But dearer far the last to me;
My spirit feels renewal sweet,
Of all my dreams hope or desire--
The hours of parting oft inspire
More than the moments when we meet!
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
Pictures by Dori Goldstein
Huge puppy mill closing - hundreds of dogs going to auction - National Dogs | Examiner.com
Huge puppy mill closing - hundreds of dogs going to auction
- October 15th, 2010 2:18 pm ET
Do you like this story?
St. Louis, MO - Missouri is home to some of the worst puppy mills in the nation. A recent report released by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), "Missouri's Dirty Dozen", includes the name of one such puppy mill that is shutting down its business.
Bonnie and Herman Schindler, owners of Mettoville Kennels, aka Teacher's Pets, received a title of "dishonorable mention" by the HSUS. The good news is that these people will no longer be in the puppy mill business. The bad news is that they are auctioning off upwards of 800 dogs and puppies at the end of the month.
800 dogs and puppies that were not viewed as living creatures - instead, they were a means to a profitable end - livestock. Dogs that now are going to be sold off to the highest bidder. The list of available dog breeds is extensive - it includes German shepherds, Maltese, Papillon, Lhasa Apso, Pomeranians, and more.
Rescuers are scrambling to make arrangements for these dogs. They are fearful that the dogs will be purchased by other puppy mills and that their lives will be a continuation of the past hell that they have had to endure.
The auction is scheduled to take place on Friday, October 29, starting at 9:00 am, and continuing on Saturday, October 30, in Mexico, Missouri. One local rescue, Act Now! Rescue in St. Louis, is gathering funds and foster homes so that they can attempt to secure as many dogs as possible at the auction.
Other rescues are making arrangements to arrive with volunteers and vans - the common goal is to obtain as many dogs as possible before they fall into the hands of other breeders. Everyone is in agreement - these dogs deserve to know a life of love. They deserve compassion.
If you are unfamiliar with the conditions frequently encountered at a puppy mill, please read the HSUS Dirty Dozen report. It graphically describes dog after dog, kept in filthy, deplorable conditions.
Dogs housed in wire cages that cut into feet. Dogs kept outdoors in freezing temperatures without adequate shelter. Dogs suffering from filthy, matted coats. Dogs brutally murdered when they were no longer useful. The sad list goes on, and on, and on.
A Chip-In donation fund has been created for this massive rescue effort. Individuals interested in donating to this cause can click here. A Yahoo "Auction Dog Rescue" group has also been established. Individuals interested in learning more about how they can directly help the dogs can join the group.
The listing from the actual auction reads:
TEACHER'S PETS Herman & Bonnie Schindler (573) 581-4300
CONRAD'S CUDDLY CANINES Lori Conrad (573) 784-9817
12736 AUDRAIN Rd 841, Mexico, MO. 65265
Rain or Shine! Sales will be under Tent! Concessions will be available!
Please share this article with others. Even if you are not able to directly help one of these abused dogs, you can help to educate people about the dirty background of puppy mills.
If you have ever purchased a puppy from a pet store, you have more than likely purchased from a puppy mill such as those that are listed in the HSUS report. Do not support these businesses - they are cruel, inhumane, and they contribute to the massive over-crowding at shelters throughout the nation. Adopt your next companion - save a life.
If you would like to continue receiving dog-related articles, including news, tips and advice, please click the Subscribe Icon. It's free and anonymous. Thank you for reading and thank you for sharing this article with others."
my own two cents: BAN PUPPY MILLS NOW!!!!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Any of these still in your pantry???
The veterinary diets INCLUDED in the P&G recall include IAMS, EUKANUBA
Iams Veterinary Dry Formulas: all dry sizes and varieties; best by date of 01Jul10 - 01Dec11; all UPC Codes
Eukanuba Naturally Wild: all dry sizes and varieties; best by date of 01Jul10 - 01Dec11; all UPC Codes
Eukanuba Pure: all dry sizes and varieties; best by date of 01Jul10 - 01Dec11; all UPC Codes
More specifically:
Intestinal - Low Residue E: 5 LB, UPC 0 19014 12405 3
Optimum Weight Control D: 5 LB, UPC 0 19014 15105 9
Weight Loss Restricted Calorie: 5 LB; UPC 0 19014 12205 9
Renal Early Stage: 5.5 LB; UPC 0 19014 14410 5
Joint: 6 LB; UPC 0 19014 21006 0
Skin & Coat Response FP: 6 LB; UPC 0 19014 12106 9
Skin & Coat Response KO: 6 LB; UPC 0 19014 21106 7
Puppy Intestinal Low Residue: 8 LB; UPC 0 19014 12908 9
Weight Loss Restricted Calorie: 14 LB; UPC 0 19014 12214 1
Joint: 15 LB; UPC 0 19014 21015 2
Optimum Weight Control D: 15 LB; UPC 0 19014 15115 8
Skin & Coat Response FP: 15 LB; UPC 0 19014 12115 1
Skin & Coat Response KO: 15 LB; UPC 0 19014 21115 9
Intestinal - Low Residue; 15 LB; UPC 0 19014 12415 2
Renal Early Stage: 15.5 LB: UPC 0 19014 02235 9
Weight Loss Restricted Calorie: 28 LB UPC 0 19014 12228 8
Intestinal - Low Residue: 30 LB; UPC 0 19014 12430 5
Joint: 30 LB; UPC 0 19014 21030 5
Optimum Weight Control D; 30 LB; UPC 0 19014 15130 1
Skin & Caot Response FP: 30 LB; UPC 0 19014 12130 4
Skin & Coat Response E KO: 30 LB; UPC 0 19014 21130 2
Int Low Residue Breeder Bag: 37 .5 LB: UPC 0 19014 12437 4
Recall -- Firm Press Release
FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties. FDA does not endorse either the product or the company.
P&G Expands Voluntary Limited Recall of Specialized Dry Pet Foods Due to Possible Health Risk
P&G Consumer Relations – 877-340-8823
Media Contact: Jason Taylor 513-622-3205
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- CINCINNATI, July 30, 2010 – The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G) (NYSE:PG) is voluntarily expanding its recall to include veterinary and some specialized dry pet food as a precautionary measure because it has the potential to be contaminated with salmonella. No salmonella-related illnesses have been reported.
The following dry pet food products are included:
Product Name Version "Best-By" Dates UPC Codes Iams Veterinary Dry Formulas All dry sizes and varieties 01Jul10 – 01Dec11 All UPC Codes Eukanuba Naturally Wild All dry sizes and varieties 01Jul10 – 01Dec11 All UPC Codes Eukanuba Pure All dry sizes and varieties 01Jul10 – 01Dec11 All UPC Codes Eukanuba Custom Care Sensitive Skin All dry sizes 01Jul10 – 01Dec11 All UPC Codes
The affected products are sold in veterinary clinics and specialty pet retailers throughout the United States and Canada. No canned food, biscuits/treats or supplements are affected by this announcement. A full listing of UPC codes can be found at www.iams.com9.
These products are made in a single, specialized facility. In cooperation with FDA, P&G determined that some products made at this facility have the potential for salmonella contamination. As a precautionary measure, P&G is recalling all products made at this facility.
Consumers who have purchased the specific dry pet foods listed should discard them. People handling dry pet food can become infected with Salmonella, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their hands after having contact with surfaces exposed to this product. Healthy people infected with Salmonella should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Rarely, Salmonella can result in more serious ailments including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation and urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.
Pets with Salmonella infections may have decreased appetite, fever and abdominal pain. If left untreated, pets may be lethargic and have diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, fever and vomiting. Infected but otherwise healthy pets can be carriers and infect other animals or humans. If your pet has consumed the recalled product and has these symptoms, please contact your veterinarian.
For further information or a product replacement or refund call P&G toll-free at 877-340-8823 (Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM EST).
Sadly, some folks think that because something was purchased at the Vet, it is SAFE....