Monday, March 31, 2014


Now that is what I call INSPIRATION. You can share my beach anytime. 'vie

While you were gone....

Momma, I tried to take over  momma duties.

I really did.
I did the apron thing and discovered that the stupid rag does not impart any powers. I thoughts once I out it one, it would be like a magic cape and I would be able to cook up anything.

Truth... NADA, zip, zilch.
I felt like daddy.

Except he has thumbs. Which he apparently does not know what to do with.

I thought if I have the hair thing going I would get into character. All I managed to do was bark some four letter words.  Apparently that is all the character I could muster from "hair".

So... momma. I will not divulge why all your timers had one or more minutes left on them . No, no woof out of me as to why strange things are in the house. [pizza they called it... ugh ugh ugh].

Despite the fact that you sound like one serious duck [did you have a duck mode modulation device installed?] I am glad you are back.  And thank you for de stinking because when you came home, you stenched of nasty hospital. I could barely look at you.

Now about my foots.  I hurted it again. I am sorry, but now we both have an excuse for laying down.

Can we keep these vacations of yours at a minimum? They are really inconvenient and I cannot deal with daddy's anxiety. He is a mess.With thumbs, but a mess.

And how fair is it that the Dori's visit was spent in the stooopid hospital place?

NOT FAIR.  I demand a redo !
PS. I do much better at having staff than I do at being STAFF..

Hey! Tomorrow, April 1, we start the voting on the recipes you submitted for the Excalibur contest.... Momma, get better quick because we got to be taste tasting!!!!!


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Waiting for momma

We want momma.   Where is momma?
Give us momma. Nobody leaves this bed until we get momma. 'Vie, JD. And the Wendy too. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, March 28, 2014

Worth the read: Stunning Photos Help Fight Black Dog Syndrome

This must be another stooped human thing!

Get over it people!


Who gives the best kisses?

Obviously I do. But the Wendy thinks she is the mad kissing machine and she is always up for kissing daddy.

And therein lies the problem.

To get to daddy I have to work around the Wendy. Much easier to get to momma.  The Wendy had momma rights for the first hour in bed. Momma is  all hers then. We all get that.  After that belly rubbing and talking out. [Wendy talks and  talks and talks...] then I get to move in and momma becomes mine. That's just the way it works. JD gets his momma time on his own terms. He is such a "male". Nuff said.

But this kissing thing with daddy and with Uncle Phil and Dowi and nonna.and the Adam is something I have to work out. I mean, really Wendy Pohh, must you be a kiss hog?

Oh wait, before I forget. A shout out to the strange hooman who gagged when JD kissed momma. {we were looking at the fishies in the pet store] Ehmm, sir... you went on and on about how unhealthy it was for momma to be kissed by a dog. You even went on a rampage about how even handling dog food is not safe for hoomans.  Did you happen to notice the eye roll you got?  Know why?  Because momma makes our food, fresh, every day. And sometimes she has the same meal as we have. What sane person would feed their beloved dog "food" [yea let's use his term, we call it caca] that is so toxic that it can't be safely handled?????  We practice good hygiene. We practice safety. We practice what we preach, healthy living. We are clean, healthy and well adjusted. Can you say the same?

Ehmmm what did you have for dinner last night?  We had turkey breast, sweet potatoes crunchies, apples, zucchini and Basmati.   I bet you had something out of a can.  And ... momma would not kiss you if you were the last hooman in the universe. She said that. She meant it too.

Nuff about him.

Hey, soo, we will be sharing the recipes you submitted for the Excalibur rafflecopter give away.
I am so excited.... my mouth is all set to taste every one of them. I have to!  It is called informed choice! How else can I vote properly? Integrity is a demanding mistress. :)  Get your recipe in  and win this beautiful altar of yumminess.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thoughtless Thursday: The park visit edition

This is how you walk your hooman.
What's there to think about?  It is sunny, cool, but sunny and we are out here at a beautiful park! Follow me. We are going for a walk! HEALTHY LIVING woman!!!  This walk will  work off some of those calories thingies you are always whining about.  Yea, YOU.  You have some winter pudge momma. Look- Oh you can't see your own butt can you?

Just trust me on this.  You NEED to walk. I speak from love momma, and a place of honesty and caring.
{I have no idea what all that psycho babble is, but I want her to walk us around this park so I can sniff and explore and have fun.} 
She bought it ? She did! 

Why do we have to follow The Wendy?

We can all lead! The two leggeds can follow!

I love this part of the park. We played jail house last year and it was so much fun!

I like seeing the whole park from up here.
Daddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddyyyyy can you see me?

Daddy, come up here!  It's fun! I am hot.  Are you hot?  Let's go find a cooling spot.

No, I don't want to stop and smell the roses, I want to cool off!

Down to the rotunda. That is my favorite cool down spot after the walk.  A cool floor, under the shade of the cupola, and the mist from the fountains that barely touches you. This is such a great spot!
It is worth the walk around the whole park.  

I do have one question... why do we have to walk around the whole park to get here?  Why can we just walk here directly? 

Hoomans. They always make things more complicated than they have to be.

Back to the car, I hear we have water and turkey jerky treats.  I saw momma pack something out of the temple of yumminess.

Speaking of the temple of yumminess, are you going to win it?  Is your recipe in?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Tasty Tuesday- Are the GIZZARDS WIZARDS ready?

Hoomans eat duck gizzards like this:

Ok, some hoomans. My daddy is NOT one of those humans.  He is not into "parts".

As a wise man used to say "Too bad for him, great for me!"

My house smells delicious. Seriously. Ever our repairman asked what delicious concoction was cooking.{momma put a spring of rosemary in the back of the dehydrator- it makes everything smells delicious}

Of course, we sort of deflated his interest when momma told him "Gizzards wizards".  :) again ..."Too bad for him, great for me!"

Here is the deal.  Organ meat is very good for us four leggeds. Accounting for allergies and such, we found that JD can eat duck. So, Of course, momma got trays of duck gizzards.

The preparation that we like is simple and delicious.

While partly frozen,  as a small block momma slices the gizzards. Use a serrated knife.  It make the job easier and faster.

Quick rinse in the sink to get rid of any ice, let drain, melt 1 tablespoon of  organic coconut oil
and coat the slices. Put the slices in your dehydrator and set for 5-7 hours at highest setting. Check after 5, adjust time as needed.

Look, you do not want to completely dehydrate the gizzards.  You want them "cooked"- This recipe is a modified "confit". A confit is usually cooked slowly in fat.  This is a leaner rif on that.  That is why we add the coconut oil.

This is what the slices should look like when they come out of the temple of yumminess- aka Excalibur, the dehydrator:

That's moi.  I smelled something, I decided to join the momma in the kitchen... My mouth is leaking...

Did you ask for a taste taster???  I am here, I am willing... I am the  Kitchen QC supervisor!

I am able...I will take a bullet for the team...I will taste test!

Yea, that piece, give me that taste.

I need to do my job as Kitchen QC supervisor

Wiggling not just my tail, my whole body in approval! Oy yuh, the GIZZARDS WIZARDS are DONE!

Hey hey hey... I need to taste every tray! What do you mean NO???? Are you impeding MY JOB????

DRAT!.  She is so harshing my buzz. Who looks like a coffee table?  Stop talking to auntie Robin!. Calories, shmalories... Give them to me, don't put them in the fridge!!! Dang it.

You can sumbit a recipe and try to win your own temple of yumminess  or

Since we want everyone to be a winner, readers can use code PETLOVE (expires April 15) at checkout on www.Drying123.comor to buy their own 4, 5, or 9-tray dehydrator with 15% off.
But really, try and and win one for FREE!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Life is good. I love Tasty Tuesday.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Keep this dude AWAY from my chewies!!!!!

Seriously! I work too hard to get them. Growl. 'vie a Rafflecopter giveaway

Did you see IT?

Silvieon4:  "Did I see what?"

JD: "FB.  Auntie Robin posted her entry in the EXCALIBUR giveaway."

Silvieon4: "LIVER SLIVERS?  LIVER LIPS??? OMD!  I am ferklempt!  WE need to get momma to try making them immediately if not sooner!! You know how much I love those!!!! "

JD: "Chill tootsie! Not the liver lips and not the liver slivers, I suspect those two recipes are under lock and key and 24 hour guard. It is the apples and cheese please recipe. A good one just the same!"

JD: "Here, this was her post on FB!" 
Robin Gray18 hours ago
Here is a recipe that I entered in the Excalibur Dehydrator contest it's for dog biscuits that the Bichons here in Rescue really enjoy. I hope your dog will enjoy them, too!

Apples and Cheese, Please!Ingredients:3 cups whole wheat flour¼ cup grated, hulled sunflower seeds1 teaspoon cinnamon¾ cup grated Parmesan cheese, ¼ cup reserved2 eggs½ cup unsweetened applesauce½ cup water½ cup sunflower oil2 tablespoons local wildflower honey
Combine all ingredients except for reserved ¼ cup grated Parmesan. Knead dough.Roll out dough on floured surface to ¼ inch thickness. Use cookie cutters to cut into shapes.Sprinkle shapes with reserved Parmesan. Dehydrate at 155 degrees in an Excalibur dehydrator for 6 hours or until desired crispness is achieved.

JD: "You know what gets me? You and The Wendy always talk about being at White Dog Cottage land waiting for a forever family, like this was some sort of sad time.  I am never going to buy that line again.  I am looking at treats served on fine china.  I know, we eat off of Wedgewood, but ours is plain white... Look at these pretty dishes and look at HOW MANY TREATS are being served!!!! You were hardly...suffering!!!!"

Silvieon4: "Who said we were suffering? We were not suffering! We had been rescued! But we were waiting for forever families. And no, I don't ever recall getting a full plate of treats like this! You know Auntie Robin! Her middle name is "CALORIES COUNTER" but she did cook for us."

JD: "Well, let's keep looking at the picture with sad eyes,  Work that angle.  See if we can get momma into a guilt state that induces baking... Give her sad puppy eyes, you know she is weak..."

Silvieon4: "Can I say something?  This idea of mine was GENIUS.  And the way I finessed that momma into thinking it was her idea... was STELLAR!  Even if we can get her to bake a couple of times a week... we are talking GRAVY TRAINNNNNNNNNNNNNN. Go me, go me... Go me"

JD: "Shhh she is looking, do the puppy face and the sad puppy eyes bit!"

'vie and JD with the best sad looks, ever!

PS.  Auntie ROBIN, I hope you win!!!  My peeps at my  Alma Mater, Tidewater Bichon Frise Rescue could sure benefit from this Excalibur!!!! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, March 23, 2014






Enter to win an Excalibur Dehydrator from@drying123@Silvieon4 and @kolsnotesand make healthy dog treats at home.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

the best Black and White team on DA planet!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

SEPIA SATURDAY: Three recipes for you to RIFF on

What does RIFF mean? Google says:

  1. 1.
    (in popular music and jazz) a short repeated phrase, frequently played over changing chords or harmonies or used as a background to a solo improvisation.
    "a brilliant guitar riff"
  1. 1.
    play musical riffs.
    "the other horns would be riffing behind him"

So, basically, change it up, improvise, adapt!

The "original recipe"

PPO cookiesPeanut butter, pumpkin and Oats:

 2 1/2 cups flaked oats processed as flour [Food process some oats until ground ]
 2 eggs
 1/2 cup canned pumpkin
 2 tablespoons peanut butter - we like chunky, you can use smooth.
 1/2 teaspoon salt {optional}
 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon


Whisk together the flour, eggs, pumpkin, peanut butter, salt, and cinnamon in a bowl. Add water as needed to help make the dough workable, but the dough should be dry and stiff. Roll the dough into a 1/2-inch-thick roll. Cut into 1/2-inch pieces. Be creative. My bunch like hard rope pieces about 2 inches long.  Dehydrate at 155F approximately 4 to 6 hours or until dry. You do want them HARD and DRY .

The "riff"
Turkey Jerky Oaties:

 2 1/2 cups flaked oats processed as flour [Food process some oats until ground ]
 2 eggs
 1/2 cup mashed sweet potatoes
 2 tablespoons organic coconut oil
 1/2 teaspoon salt {optional}
 1/4 cup of turkey jerky bits [we use "the dust and broken pieces that are left in the bags we  store the treats in]


Whisk together the flour, eggs, sweet potatoes, salt, and turkey jerky bits in a bowl. Add water as needed to help make the dough workable, but the dough should be dry and stiff. Roll the dough into a 1/2-inch-thick roll. Cut into 1/2-inch pieces. Be creative.  Dehydrate at 155F approximately 4 to 6 hours or until dry. You do want them HARD and DRY .

In my house, we avoid beef and chicken because we have a dog with deadly allergies to beef and chicken.  You could easily make these with chicken jerky. We also found that all three dogs like oat and do well on it, but you could use rice. 

See where I am going with this? 

The easy peasy crunchies.

The lure of crunchie bits is just unavoidable. My four leggeds love crunchies.  So, I developed crunchies we could all live with.

6 cups of rice flour
1 cup of dry powdered milk, 
1/2 cup of shredded cheese [Cheddar is ok, mine love chevre, or even cottage cheese]
1 cup of lean raw ground turkey or lamb.  [You could use chicken or beef, or pork, or or organ meat!
3 beaten eggs
1/3 cup of vegetable oil  or coconut oil
3 cups of  stock. We use turkey stock, but you can use any low sodium stock.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Add small amounts of water if you need it to achieve the consistency of bread dough.

Rice flour takes a bit of time to fully hydrate, so... let it sit for about 10 minutes and it will be easier to work with.

Spread on  silpat  sheets and smooth it to a thickness of about 1/2 inch. You can "pre-score" into small cubes. I use a plastic ruler and simply press lines into the mixture. Set your dehydrator at 155 and check it after 5 hrs.  You want dry crunchy bits.  If it needs more time, add another hour.

These are the goodies Silvieon4 was smelling when she was doing this:

Hey you could win this Excalibur and make all those recipes and does it not look so sexy in Sepia?

Now show me some of that creativity and WIN this.

Enter your recipe here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway