Thursday, December 31, 2009

shop shop shop

post xmas sales..... SHOPPPPPPPP it helps the economy, whoever she is!

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Bellyrubs and Yayas

Thoughts of belly rubs and petters and wishes for the new year.

May the new year bring you all:

To all4leggeds:
a home filled with petters
plenty of food and treats to choose from
nice chewies and stuffies to play with
long walks with lots of sniffs
and most of all, the security of a forever home.

To all 2leggeds:
and the joy of sharing your live with a wet nosed 4legged.
Oh yea. Momma says add wealth. Chewies cost money.

OK then: WEALTH galore for all!!!!


I will be having panettone at midnight. What about you?

Do we get more gifties? Drats.

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dtdtdtdtdtdtd... this just in from auntie Robin at White Cottage:

"Rosie's Trip to the Vet

Rosie wore her new pink winter coat with the fur trimmed hood to the vet. This was a gift from her Aunt Silvie. Evidently, the furry little Silvie on 4 told Rosie about dressing up because Rosie kvetched the whole time.

According to the original vet report, Rosie weighed 4.75 lbs when she came to us. Today she weighed 7.4 lbs! She was so well behaved and everyone fell in love with her.
Dr. Johnston said that if she hadn't read the report from Greenbrier Emergency that looking at her today, she would never guess that she had ever had anything wrong with her.

Rose's fecal was negative, her heartworm test was negative, her heart and lungs sound good -- ears and eyes are good and she got a rabies shot and never made a sound.
She slept all the way home.

No picture tonight. Rosie is too busy runnning around biting other dog's tails to sit still for a photo."

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Momma tried to make a Hanukkah present out of me. She also "thought" she was funny...

This is me giving her "the eye". You know the look. The look designed to make her stop.

No, it did not work. I am still ticked about that....

dogs ARE NOT to be objectified.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Friday, December 25, 2009

Yes, I am a DIVA

Merry Holidays ya'll!!! The midnight did come and I got divaed! I got so many, many things!!! But best of all, I am spending time with my WHOLE fandamily!!!

xoxoxoxox to the world!
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Thursday, December 24, 2009


Meet 'Giant George' the 7ft-long blue great dane who could be the world's tallest dog

Standing at nearly 43 inches tall from paw to shoulder and weighing a staggering 245lbs could this be the world's new tallest dog?

Pictured here in the parks of Tuscon, Arizona, George, a four-year-old blue great dane, looks more like a miniature horse than a dog.


'Giant George' and owner Dave Nasser share a couch together: The four-year-old blue great dane, weighs a staggering 245lbs and measures almost 43ins at the shoulder

The gentle giant, who measures 7ft 3ins from nose to tail, could be a prime contender to take the title from the former record holder, Gibson, a harlequin Great Dane who passed away from cancer last August.

Now George's owners, David and Christine Nasser, are awaiting confirmation from Guinness World Records to see if he has achieved the lofty heights.

'He's 42.625 inches at the shoulder,' said David. 'He's very very unique.'

According to David, George consumes 110lbs of food every month, and sleeps alone in his own Queen Size Bed.

David and Christine raised George from when he was 7 weeks old, but never expected him to grow so big.


Magnificent: George measures more than 7ft from nose to tail and tucks away 110lbs of food every month


With size comes problems: The giant great dane barely fits in the back of his owner's SUV

The couple eventually had to move their aptly named dog out of their king sized bed, when he grew too large for the three of them to share the same sheets.

Dr. William Wallace of the Buena Pet Clinic in Tucson, who witnessed the documentation necessary for the Guinness record, said: 'In my 45 years of experience working with giant breed dogs, without question, George is the tallest dog I have ever seen.'

David is currently rushing to get that necessary documentation into Guinness as other dog owners are coming forth claiming the record.

As they wait for the results to come through, George is busy occupying himself with his new found stardom and even has a Facebook fan page and Twitter accounts for his adorning fans.

It appears as though the sky's the limit for this mammoth hound.


Paws for thought: George's giant feet dwarf his owner Dave Nassar's hand. Last August the worldís tallest dog, Gibson, a harlequin Great Dane, passed away from cancer

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Our rain got crunchy!

Heyyyyyy look at this! All of our rain has gotten crunchy and white. I know it looks like snow, but it is crunchy. It is more like ice. Ok. I don't like cold. I don't like wet. So what's the deal with this?

Momma says all of this is getting ready for Santa. Hey, Santa dude, why do you want it
cold and wet??????? Chanukah Harry has no such issues! I know this for a fact. So, really why all the white stuff? Is it part of your shtik ???

Ok, where is that shmate coat anyway?

Vos vet zein, vet zein!

Hey, what are you doing?

I am watching the 2leggeds as they get ready to go for a long drive. Yup, of course I am going too. Wanna come along?

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

THE Wendy

Watching the baking from the safety of the chair forest.
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Life is NOT fair

So... careful about what you ask for.

I wanted to open up a gift.

Momma got to do one gift.

Fair is fair, right?

Well... guess what? The gift I got to

open is... clothes.

Do I look happy?

Yes, I know I look great, but NOT


I feel that clothes shmoosh down my

beautiful coat and I feel clothes are a

2legged thing. Ehmmm I have 4 legs!

Momma, daddy... if you want me to

get INTO THE SPIRIT of the



Have you seen my wish list???







Now, somebody... gimme something good!!!


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Watching the staff...

They all seem sooooo busy. Thank goodness I have trained the nonna to give me belly rubs on command. I am truly grateful that she responds so well to me giving her the paw.... or zampina as she calls it.

Is your house all crowded and busy?

I am keeping a watchful eye on the closet. There is a large basket full of wonderful smelling stuff.
Keeping my paws crossed. Mine???

So get this, I found out the midnight comes every night! SO why don't we get gifts every night????

Momma got some stuff from daddy already for Hanukkah. He gave her a new collar with a sparkly on it. Ohhhh yea, not collar- necklace. [Sigh... same dif, 2leggeds!] She is walking around shining it in everyone's face. She must love it or something.

Meanwhile, I have to wait for some "midnight" or something....frumpt
