This puppy grew up to be :
1] bossy
2] pushy
3] needy
4] overly friendly to 2 legged females with painted toe nails.
5] a pasta loving lamb[atarian]
6] a hat lover
7] a lover of pugs
a well known belly up napper9]
who loves dinner served at a table10] water served in a glass
11] crab dipped in butter
] teletubbies lover13]
self appointed boardwalk patrol14] chewie hoarder
15] cat chaser
16] neighborhood watcher
17] TBFR bash crasher
18] lap invader
19] self appointed alpha dog
20] ....mama's boy......
We know!!!! It's 'vie!!! Right????? What a cutie...and so totally a bichon! Bichon Frise...through and through! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
whoa -- is that JD as a puppy???
Well, gee that has to be JD!
Kisses sweetie - cute as can be.
Yes that was JD as a puppy. One can almost understand why momma fell in love with him. But I am feeling something strange, like a green pain. Mommmmmmmmaaaa do you love me the most? I am aching a green ouchie in my heart... Momma fix it....
That must be JD!
presursLadies with painted toenails gave it away.....JD!!
Auntie Robin
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