Wednesday, August 25, 2010

These things really BUG me

Sooooo. Momma has has these "things" in the garden. Yes I am calling them things. I could call them ... these "hideous looking bugs". I could call them vile representations of unwelcome vermin. [Remember the bees???? If you forgot, look here >~~~~ Bees ] But no. I am being nice. I am nice to a fault sometimes. But let me tell you what the back story is and you will appreciate the complexity of my life.

So. I look out into the yard last night and I see a glow. A strange glow. I am a red blooded alert four legged. It is part of my job to be alert. I overcome my fear, [have to, part of my job] I dig deep into my soul and find the courage to sound the alarm. I barked the deepest, fiercest bark I could bark and got JD and Wendy into the act. I was LEAD dog! We created a loud chorus that would have scared the fur off of any intruder. Finally, we were allowed to go out and investigate the suspicious glow. We ran out in full chase mode. We followed the glow... which... came from the hideous things. We suddenly found ourselves staring at the things which just lay there in their crude ugliness and kitchdom. Silent. Glowy. A testament to ... 21st century artistic failure. The adrenaline is still pumping, but we have no enemy. We have nothing but ugly glowy bugs.... and JD and Wendy turn on me! They start telling me off! Can you believe it? How was I supposed to know that the glow came from this caca??? I felt 2 inches tall. Slowly we make our way back to the house, but not before taking a tinkle on the ugly things as a full expression of my opinion. BTW, the other two followed suit and yes, they shared their opinion. As we get back in the house, momma is telling daddy how wonderfully the "solar bugs" work. How the light up in the dark.

Really? Seriously? Solar? Mhh. Wonder if they work with wet batteries. That's all I am going to say. But if your yard has a glow, trust me it is nothing to get worked up about....
Ugly caca.....

Bitter 'vie
PS momma.... this is like one step removed from garden gnomes....
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Mommy, I'm Home said...

I was going to mention garden gnomes, 'vie, but you beat me to the punch...:)

silvieon4 said...

Yea, I need to move to Colorado... She is getting too southified for me...

Anonymous said...

Hi Silvie - you give me too much credit, but I just posted something about Julie. Hope it helps:)

silvieon4 said...

Tank, you are my Hero!

Marshmallow said...

That thing is just creepy. It looks like something you'd see in a bad Sci-Fi movie. Ick! If you spray it with Raid, does it die? :)