Thursday, July 31, 2008
GO Willie!
Willie, I know you must be besieged by mail at this point. However, may I offer a few suggestions for your campaign platform?
1. Remind the voters that YOU CAN'T screw it up any more than any 2 legged already has.
2. There is nothing to "vett" in your past, as you have already disclosed your potential attraction to bitches.
3. You have no closeted habits... no drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc.
4. Your pay expectations are well within budgetary constraints.
5. You bring fresh ideas and you actually class up the running field as you have never been under investigation, criminal or otherwise, nor have you ever been indicted.
Now for suggestions on your actual platform:
1. ABOLISH puppy mills. "regulations are useless". So long as we domesticated 4leggeds are considered "livestock" [What pray tell do I have in common with a cow?????] regulations are USELESS. ABOLISH ABOLISH ABOLISH...breeding for cash- Make it illegal to traffic in dogs!
2. Pave the way Willie, be bold. Gice us 4 legged voting powers! Really. I mean it is not like many 2 legged voters have that much more brain power than we have...
3. Consider a cute, white, fluffy, curly younger running mate from VA ... She could do a lot for your campaign appeal! [I am available with proper incentives]
Wils, baby, just so you know, in 2004, Rabbit Hash, Ky., elected Junior Cochran, a black Lab, as mayor. He was the second 4legged to be elected to lead the small Northern Kentucky town. It says so on the town's Web site. The first was Goofy Borneman. So there is precedent!
keeping my eye on you
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
B' day thoughts
Mhhhh pink stroller? Nahhh I like walking and I would have to give up all the sniffing!
I saw new bling at MRS BONES... a little skull and lips. : ) Maybe the little heart locket I saw at the Coach outlet store. Wait I have a heart locket, already.
Maybe we can make a quick trip to DC. I would get to visit my human siblings, sniff out great spots in Arlington and maybe go walking in Old Town. I love that place! Doggy bakeries everywhere! And haute couture places where they can custom make anything for the
well bred and well heeled hip pupster!
Thinking about my own bag of Happy Hips really brought out a chuckle, so that goes on my wish list, for sure!
I love a crisp chicken chewie and it has all those health benefits! It gives you happy hips! If you saw how I wiggle my hips, you would swear I was born in Hawaii! Aloha ya'll!
Seriously... I am thinking more and more of DC 'cause in the end, I really want the whole fan damily around me.
Really. I do love them. 2leggeds and 4 leggeds- they are my pack and without them no birthday would be fun.
BY George I think they've got it!
Reviewing my Amazon wish list. Oh I need to add a few things.
Pondering 'vie
If a Katrina were to hit here, what would you do?
Program attendees will:
· Learn how to develop a pet disaster plan
· Receive instruction for creating a pet disaster supply kit
· Learn how to coordinate a pet evacuation plan
Other programs in this series include:
August 5: Safety Around Dogs: Your Safety Begins with You (a program for children 5-12)
August 7: Making a Good Dog a Great Therapy Dog (Children welcome, too)
August 12: Alternative Veterinary Medicine -- Dr. Constance Pozniak
August 14: Chris Stakes – Pet Psychic -- bring a picture of your dog and ask one question!
Classes are free and open to the public. Registration is required; call 410-7016 to reserve a seat.
Another exercise in PATIENCE
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I am an on the go, on time kind of girl. I am surrounded by slow pokes kind of dogs and some positively slowwww people. Hey pick up a clue phone. Move. Move faster! You are not molasses! You have four legs, use them!!! Before the 2 leggeds change their mind. Did you not hear the magic word?
R I D E... Now MOVE IT.... Let's go!!!
This is me waiting by the door. Hey I am aging here. Come onnnnnn. Patience... default word for I have no other choice but to wait...
I need a mantra to just cope....
Domestication and breach of CONTRACT
Today I pose a simple question: who are we? Well, we belong to the Class Mammalia (mammals - we are hair covered animals and we feed our young with breast milk ). We are meat eaters... therefore carnivores [all except JD!!!!] therefore we belong to the Order Carnivora and to the family of - Canidae. Within this family of canidae there are more subdivisions called genera, and each genus contains individual species. A "species" of dog is a group of dogs that normally breed and produce fertile offspring. Blah, blah, blah, sciencecakes. PHEW!
Now we get down to the nitty gritty. How and why did we befriend humans? My theory is revolutionary, but accurate I assure you. Human books indicate that archaeological evidence dates the domestication of dogs to have started about 10,000 years ago, (a lot earlier than the domestication of cats. Lucky, are you reading this???)
Excuse me, domestication of dogs?! Uh, dogs domesticated humans.
It's a simple symbiotic arrangement. A mutual promise. A bargained for exchange. A contract. 2leggeds promise food, shelter, and toys in exchange for our companionship, loyalty and devotion.
But something went wrong somewhere; the terms are too vague. We forgot to include provisions regarding the quality of the food in the contract. We just assumed we'd eat the same healthy food the 2leggeds got. (10,000 years ago there was no junk food!) We never imagined what some 2leggeds would try to pass off as "food." (Ehmm and what some of them eat?! Ick)
Have you smelled that canned stuff some 2leggeds try to torture their pups with? YUCK. It smells like a combination of gym socks, JD's butt, and bologna. No thank you.
So, 2leggeds, I beg you - stop slacking and hold up your end of the bargain already. No more canned food!!!! Go to the grocery store!!! I mean, it wouldn't kill you to eat a vegetable either. I'm just saying.
Legal eaglet
Monday, July 28, 2008
And They say I START trouble!
Momma! Look!!!!!! Poor little old me, being the youngest is always getting blamed for whatever ruckus is going on... I know, unfair, unjust and untrue.
It is never "SAINT JD". HA. Look! I was minding my own business. He sniffed me up! He pushed me and now I have proof! Next time I get accused of starting something... please refer back to this moment and re think who started it!
Do Ya know what I MEAN???
Sunday, July 27, 2008
OMG How embarrassing!
This was JD as a puppy...
I know, I know. She really loves us and to her we are and were beautiful from the second she saw us. But if I ever find a picture of her in diapers, or braces, or any of those awkward things you humans go through which seem to last forever [ehmm curlers], I am posting it.
No longer a baby-give me dignity!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Owning YOUR territory- The backyard
You , the Bichons out there, know that one of the most important jobs you have is to guard your territory. Your yard is YOUR territory. You must explore every inch despite the perils and consequences. The herb garden- make it yours. I know I know... walking in the rosemary and in the thyme and tarragon, you will end up smelling like a lovely roasted chicken... or a roasted potatoes... BUT it Must be done...
The grape arbor... Make it yours. Do not let the "jangly" things scare you. They are there for the squirrels. {Public enemy NO.1!}
And now we come to interlopers... ie....
Be careful . This plant makes you purple. So do not roll in the flowers. You get a bath, right away , ick....This one has thorns... and I tasted the flowers. Ick. And it stinks... And the 2legged love it. WHY???
Going under this big bush is not fun, you get wet, it is always wet under there, so... avoid it unless you are chasing public enemy no.1....
The "back corner"
On the other side of the fence there is a wild one... a LAB. 4legged and ill mannered. He is the source of grief and the object of much stalking by Wendy and JD. It is a territorial thing. You would not understand. JD and Wendy have assumed the job of back corner patrol- just in case... the lab does not know that this is OUR yard.. I hang back. I am what you would call "auxiliary forces". I join in only after a confirmed sighting of the lab.
I must admit, I love... "chillin" under the big magnolia tree.... Nothing beats a little shade and some breeze. You get flooded with smells, yummy, interesting smells from everywhere:
Others... just love sunning themselves. And.... after a full patrol, YOU do need to RELAX....
Owning my back yard!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
LOVELY sentiment
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
just me
TOO hot
Monday, July 21, 2008
DIRTY bird!
Decency prevents me from publishing the pics of the "dirty bird" getting bathed. Yea, apparently when a Bichon gets dirty they demote him to "bird". Ick. Are feathers next?
Wendy and I got chewies. :) JD is now getting brushed and dried. Sure hope the roll in the grass was wort it! Moi, je prefer to roll on freshly washed carpeting.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Somebody remind me to lick him up in gratitude the next time he comes home. His head totally tastes like Doritos - but it doesn't turn your fur orange!!!
I also have an on2 sister. She is the other "tech" support consultant. She does a lot to guide me and teach me the ropes.
Thank God I can pay them in kisses, otherwise I would be in serious debt!. I use a lot of tech support!!!!
Well, tail wags and licks to both of them.xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
blog on, with gratitude
Despite the fact that the song Peel me a grape is one of MY favs, grapes and raisins are a huge NO NO! A grape can damage the kidneys. (It is the concept of the peeled grape I adore!)
Onions ... On4s are NOT equipped to deal with onions in any amounts. Garlic in large amounts, and for some even in small amounts! Garlic and onions can be toxic and dogs because the sulfoxides and disulfides found in them can damage red blood cells and lead to anemia.
Tomatoes are toxic as raw potatoes, speacially those with green spots. Tomatoes (plant and fruit) contain tomatine, an alkaloid related to solanine. As the fruit ripens, the tomatine is metabolized. Therefore, ripe tomatoes are less likely to be problematic for animals. Clinical signs of poisoning include lethargy, drooling, difficulty breathing, colic, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, widely-dilated pupils, paralysis, cardiac effects, central nervous system signs (e.g., ataxia, muscle weakness, tremors, seizures), resulting from cholinesterase inhibition, coma and death. (This information comes from veterinarians, and the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center.) (All parts of the plant except the tomato itself are poisonous to humans, although some people are sensitive to the ripe fruit also.) Tomatoes also contain atropine, which can cause dilated pupils, tremors, and heart arrhythmias. The highest concentration of atropine is found in the leaves and stems of tomato plants, with less in unripe (green) tomatoes, and even less in ripe (red) tomatoes. Please... if must share that PIZZA... crust only!!!!!
Caffeinated beverages because of the same issue as chocolate.
You are Nuts if you feed us NUTS! Macadamia nuts - Walnuts . Death by nuts. Not good! Even small amounts of nuts are toxic to us. As few as six macadamia nuts will trigger major symptoms within 12 hours of ingesting some of these nuts, we can't walk or stand, we vomit and our heart rate is elevated and we become weak. WE ARE NOT SQUIRRELS, so NO NUTS!
Oh yuh. NUTMEG is a NUT!!!!
Cooked bones (chicken, turkey, pork, beef) Too soft, they become deadly shards with perforate the gut.
Also... mushrooms, raw doughs... please, we are BICHONS. We DO NOT need to get yeasty and smelly!
Gooo QUILLAH and Rory
My little heart is happy today. Watch the video and you will see Quillah, HEALTHY Quillah!
Read her blog and you will know what courage, heart and love it took to snatch her from the brink of death. Hey Quillah, I challenge you to a full blitz! (Mhh I think she can beat me! Better practice!)
Rory, congrats on your new forever home! Make yourself indispensable, train them right, get them addicted to Bichon loving!
happy 'vie
Saturday, July 19, 2008
GROOMERS a necessary evil
Silvieon2 just reminded that humans go through grooming rituals as wells. Hair cuts, shaving, nails, head wax (that's worthy of its own post at some point!) blah blah blah. Yea. You are an insecure species. Unable to accept yourselves as you are and passing your foibles on to us, your pets... I forgive you , just love me. [That is our weakness]
Anyway, I got groomed yesterday. Aside from the stupid frou frou ribbon (which I will "lose" at any moment) I think I look great. JD thinks so. Wendy looks good too. And JD looks Bichon perfect. Maybe. Maybe later I will post pics. Right now, I have some cappuccino foam to polish off and a belly that is aching for a rub. It is a lazy sat.
Mellow me
Friday, July 18, 2008
Just "tween" us GIRLS
Suddenly... just suddenly home boy can't stay away from you, he can't keep his paws off of you!
Yesterday you were just "there". Today being near you makes him crazy. Your scent drives him mad.
He can't get enough of you! He has to sit next to you, be with you, smell you, you have suddenly become soooo irresistible.
This is way more attention than a good blitz would have generated!
Oh well, now we know how to get to JD. Jealousy is his aphrodisiac. Thank you Spike and Charlie Brown, maybe just maybe we will have to keep talking.... Males! OY!
All sniffed out
Thursday, July 17, 2008
1. Pillows best OVER me .. tunnel under
Lots of them, all UNDER me soft, cushy tushy
2. Ice great crunch- something to much
Lick, lick lick, hide it, lick some more if you find it
3. fat free turkey Ick, juts eat the wrapper
YUM guilt free delicious, I watch my figure
12. collars What, are you trying to do choke me?
15. belly rubs Of course!
Ohh such sweet SLEEP
I am a Bichon.... I am reluctant to leave the bed until all the smells tell me that the food is plated.
I know the sequence... pancetta, galette, cantaloupe and lemon [ick], toasted brioche and mascarpone (OMG that is like the best cheese momma makes), eggs, and coffee. When I smell the capuccino, 'tis time to high tail it downstairs. Saunter down, give them all kisses and licks, prop your front paws on one of them and do body stretches. That lets them know you have "chosen" them to cater your meal. :) Life is good. Feed me.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
French Fry' is a poodle/bichon and Lucky Boy, a full bichon live with actor Chris Cooper.
B. Coconut makes her home with Catherine Zeta Jones Douglas and the two kids.
Ringo is the full time keeper of one Sadie Frost who walks him regularly all over London and New York. Good training Ringo!
Maria Menounos is the 2legged in the lives of 5 Bichons: Cosette, Jackson, Evvie, Vincent, and Rooney.
Ella shares her days with Lainie Kazan.
Joon is Connie Stevens' best friend.
Lucy is Ms Aguilera' s trusty Bichon Frise companion.
Many Bichons have shared their lives with Kathy Lee Gifford who is an active Bichon rescuer.
Baby, works, lives and shares her life with writer Jana Kohl.
Bichon Frise named Second Baseman keeps Celebrity Concierge: Ozzie Guillen grounded in the Windy City.
Gucci is the Bichon that keeps the Lohan clan Ali, Lindsay and their brothers (Dakota, 10, and Michael, 19) feeling the love.
Oscar has a full time job loving and being loved by Susan Lucci, Erica Kane on All My Children .
[Yup, Oscar like the one she kept getting nominated for...]
Rusty, a Bichon is the muse inspiring Toni Ferrara, one of Hollywood's premiere celebrity fashion stylists.
Blondie the Bichon rocks out with her owner Ashley Tisdale and her new nose.
Princess Fiona shares her castle with an adorable (animated) bichon.
Sigh, this is only a partial list, if you know of any others, let me know...
Oh yuh, BTW...
when you 2legged name us... you need to pay attention a wee bit more.
I am just saying
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Why CAN'T I have chocolate???
Almost like an amphetamine overdose in humans. Ewwww, who knew! Keep the brown stuff away from me, I am NO JUNKIE!!!!!
"Theobromine poisoning From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to:
Theobromine poisoning or chocolate poisoning is an adverse reaction to the alkaloid theobromine, found in chocolate, tea, cola beverages, and some other foods. Cacao beans contain about 1.2% theobromine by weight, while processed chocolate generally has smaller amounts. The amount found in highly refined chocolate candies (typically 40-60 milligrams per ounce or 1.4 to 2.1 grams per kilogram) is much lower than that of dark chocolate or unsweetened baker's chocolate (over 400 mg/oz or 14 g/kg).
The amount of theobromine found in chocolate is small enough that chocolate can be safely consumed by humans in large quantities, but animals that metabolize theobromine more slowly can easily consume enough chocolate to cause chocolate poisoning. The most common victims of theobromine poisoning are dogs (for which it can be fatal). Cats and especially kittens are yet more sensitive. However, cats are less prone to eating chocolate since they are unable to taste sweetness. Many other animals are also susceptible.
The first signs of theobromine poisoning are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and increased urination. These can progress to cardiac arrhythmias, epileptic seizures, internal bleeding, heart attacks, and eventually death.
Theobromine is especially toxic to horses, dogs, parrots, voles, and cats because they are unable to metabolize the chemical effectively. If they are fed chocolate, the theobromine will remain in their bloodstream for up to 20 hours. Medical treatment involves inducing vomiting within two hours of ingestion and contacting a veterinarian.
A typical 20 kg (44 lb) dog will normally experience intestinal distress after eating less than 240 g (8.5 oz) of dark chocolate, but won't necessarily experience bradycardia or tachyarrhythmia unless it eats at least a half a kilogram (1.1 lb) of milk chocolate. According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, approximately 1.3 g of baker's chocolate per kilogram of a dog's body weight (0.02 oz/lb) is sufficient to cause symptoms of toxicity. For example, a typical 25 gram (1 oz) baker's chocolate bar would be enough to bring out symptoms in a 20 kg (44 lb) dog.
Chemists with the USDA are investigating the use of theobromine as a toxicant to control coyotes that prey on livestock. [1]
Humans are also susceptible to chocolate poisoning if enough is ingested. The lethal dose is placed at around 22lbs. [2]
[edit] References
National Library of Medicine, Theobromine. (September 9, 2004)
Merck Veterinary Manual (Toxicology/Food Hazards section), Merck & Co., Inc., Chocolate Poisoning. (June 16, 2005)
Retrieved from ""
Categories: Toxicology Dog health
so now I Know!
DOGGY dreams
2. Leashes are abolished and humans have to be trained to walk without them. (I said magic...)
3. For all you markers out there, a fire hydrant or post every 50 feet.:)
4. Upholstery for everyone! Couches, beds, chaises, loveseats, recliners... etc. for everyone, everywhere! ('ti's the Bichon in me!)
5. Open scent bars so you can rub yourself on duck poop, dead fish, bird dropping etc and smell they way you want to anytime, without interference from 2leggeds. (I said magic)
6. Train the 2leggeds to come, sit, heel, go for walk, drive, fetch snack, belly scratch, cuddle. (like I said... magic)
7. All squirrels are an acceptable renewable resource for fun, food and chase.
8. Protected under privacy laws, are all forms of self expression that do not harm anyone. So licking oneself would be perfectly fine, anytime, anywhere.Sniffing anywhere any time is perfectly acceptable. Endless barking is protected as free speech.
9. All humans who deliver anything anywhere, have to accept the consequences of their territorial encroachment and stop whining about it. Yes, Mr mailman, that includes you, the pizza guy, the UPS and Fedex people... etc.
10. The following phrases have been abolished: "no" "leave it" "stop".
11. All drive up windows must serve palatable canine delights on demand.
12. Every single house must have superior grade wall to wall carpeting for butt rubbing.
13. Any tissue box must be surrendered immediately to any doggy wanting it, anytime, anywhere.
14.Play time in the middle of the night is ok and all humans must adjust.
15. No more waiting around! All refrigerator doors must be equipped with dog friendly handles.
16. No human lap can be empty for more than 2 minutes.
Well those are my initial thoughts, but it is a working list, what would you add?
Bites and pieces...
And I am looking forward to meeting your family. Stay in touch and stay Bichon!
Charlie Brown and Spike have moved. I hope your new yard has many good sniffing spots.
Hmm whispers tell us that a certain "Beautiful" Kitty cat is on a diet and will be visiting a Kitty spa.... Mhh, too many treats? Well I am sending support and best wishes. Just remember, healthy is the goal, not skin and bones.
x & O
Just Chillin'
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Revenge by guilt- executed to perfection- when you love enough to get even !
existential POTENTIAL dilemma
I guess I am looking at trust as I understand it and trying to understand what trust is. Does the fact that JD and Wendy set me up mean they don't care about me? I my universe trust begets reliance and viceversa. If I cannot trust I cannot rely. I am, after all, a pack animal. My survival depends on that trust and reliance on my pack. So, trust is more than lubricant in social contract, it is essential in my universe.
Did they do this because they don't care about me? Am I not part of the pack? And if they did this because they don't care about me... would the best revenge be indifference? Is that reasonable? I guess beyond embarrassment there is that emotional pain issue. Maybe I am being too much of an emotional scar picker, but hey I want to know that this incident does not mean they do not love me.
I know, heavy thoughts for a Sunday morning. I need more cappuccino foam from momma. RENT is playing on the BOSE, so I am half listening and thinking....
I am thinker. I have resolved a couple of issues:
JD must care about me because he took a lot of time to plot, plan and set me up. Indifference would not have required plan. So he must care.
Wendy must care as well because she participated. SO they both LOVE ME!
They care and they trust that I care enough that this will not change our basic relationship.
Ok, my revenge must exploit that love, that sense of pack security. I am smiling. Suddenly it is all so clear. So simple... sooooo delicious. Muaaaaaahhhh
'existentially resolved
VINCERO` I will win....
"Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me; il nome mio nessun saprà ! No, No! Sulla tua bocca lo dirò quando la luce splenderà !"
"Ed il mio bacio scioglierà il silenzio che ti fa mia!"
"Il nome suo nessun saprà ... E noi dovrem, ahimè, morir, morir!"
"Dilegua, o notte! Tramontate, stelle! Tramontate, stelle! All'alba vincerò! Vincerò! Vincerò! " {JD he who laughs last....and all that rot}
Nessun dorma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
VIDEO Luciano Pavarotti - Nessun Dorma - Puccini - Turandot - Olimpiadi di Torino 2006
So, all night, in my little head I heard Turandot. All night in my little heart I plotted my revenge. yup- VINCERO`. I promise I will win!
Sometimes, no music fits life better than opera. And Puccini expresses emotions both with common appeal and fresh rawness. Like they are being felt for the first time and yet you know exactly what they are all about. I am Calaf! I have been up all night. As I watched JD and Wendy fall asleep, I plotted my revenge. Vincero`.
I got lots of holding and soothing from Silvieon2. She said that I should not take things so seriously, that this was all in jest and that everybody goes through stuff like this at some point in their lives. Well, I am not everybody. I am mad.
sign me Calaf
Saturday, July 12, 2008
^&%#$%!!!!! shame*(&^&* RAGE...............
There will be consequences, Like Jules says [PULP FICTION-QUENTIN TARANTINO]: 'The path of the righteous DOG is beset on all sides with the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil DOGS. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost PUPPIES. And I will strike down upon those with great vengeance and with furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know that my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.' Ezekiel 25:17:
Nobody messes with 'vie!
Okay. Good.
We can grow wings and fly.
I'm not kidding. I'm not crazy. Look:
Flying is SO FUN. Here is how it works: once the humans are gone, we grow wings and fly. You do know that many 2leggeds call us angels.... well... they are almost right. Some of us just fly around and play. Wendy even dusts for momma. But others.... others are not as nice. They move things! Then they giggle when 2leggeds search for hours (JD!!!!).
But.. and this is so important... NEVER EVER EVER try to make us fly in front of you. We'll fall and get hurt and nobody wants that. We just can't do it when you're around.
up, up, and away!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Bijou De Angelis Beloved Bichon
February 10, 1990 - June 24, 2008
May your 2legged Barbara De Angelis find comfort in the memories you shared. May her heart eventually heal enough to share her life again with another Bichon.
We grieve with her.
All this makes me think that 2leggeds are into what the thing appears to be rather than what the thing really is.
There are fake seashells, fake crabs, fake fish... you get the idea. What I also noticed is that there is not one fake 4legged. Anywhere. Wonder why.
In any case, real me loves the real boardwalk with all the sand, wind, fish, birds, kites, other 4leggeds all walking their owners on leashes.
Do you think my 2leggeds love the fake Bichons as much as they love Jd or Wendy or me? Nahh, not possible. They don't even cuddle.
Real deal