Thursday, October 31, 2013

Justice AT WORK





Kisses and kudos to the kind stranger... you are MY hero!

REpost 3 mantras for a safe Halloween

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

3 mantras for a safe Halloween

Halloween is coming and there are just 3 mantras to remember to make this a safe time for everyone on 4 legs:


no chocolate, no aspartame, no wrappers, no gum, no exceptions! 

supervise, practice caution, you may want me to be your greeter, but with all those crazy costumes
I might act like your bouncer

don't take me trick or treating without a leash, there is just too much going on and I need to feel safe.

Oh heck, she has more funny rags for me to try on!  Dang it.


I am ....shocked, insulted....offended...

MSN published this article:
Subject: Lap Lounger

How dare they! The outrage. The slander. The libel. Who dares call moi a couch potato?  Seriously?
Just like that, with a cheap shot generalization you slander my breed? Have you no shame?

If and I say if ... A generalization can be applied it is that we Bichons are loving, lovable and cuddly.

Personally, I can assure you that the only time I spend on the couch is when I am de stressing momma by offering up my belly for a blood pressure lowering belly rub. Her therapy. Her benefit. So what you are calling couch potato ing is really work for me.

And the Bichon blitz is hardly a short burst of energy. It is a high impact, concentrated cardio work out. I blitz at about forty mph on two floors. Can you do that? Can you counter blitz, figure eight, loop, reverse double, spin and coordinate your blitzes with two other Bichons and your hoomans without anyone getting hurt, ever?

Couch potato my tush.

Next time you want to write an article on Bichons, call me. I can give you an accurate portrait of Bichons.

Oh, and one more thing, us four leggeds are a pure reflection of our two leggeds. Generally...we do what we are allowed to or told to or can get away with. So we are pretty much a reflection of your failures. If  your Bichon is a couch potato, YOU MUST BE A COUCH POTATO.

Uffa. I had to get that out of my system.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

from DogsNaturally: Rabies Vaccination: 13 Ways to Vaccinate More Safely

worth the read---from:

Dogs Naturally Magazine

Rabies Vaccination: 13 Ways to Vaccinate More Safely

Imrab 3 Rabies VaccineAnimal Control sends a notice stating that your dog’s rabies vaccination is due. Some of us will vaccinate readily. Because it’s legally mandated, it must be safe, right? Besides, what choice do we have?
Others of us panic, desperate to avoid the shot at any cost. We remember what happened the last time our dog had a rabies vaccination. We wonder, will our dog survive another?
World renowned pet vaccination scientist, Dr Jean Dodds, wrote recently: “Rabies vaccines are the most common group of biological products identified in adverse event reports received by the USDA’s Center for Veterinary Biologics (CVB).”
An adverse reaction to a rabies vaccine may exact a high price – to your dog’s health and your wallet. Here’s what you need to know to make vaccinating your dog safer:

Learn to recognize adverse reactions

Short-term reactions include vomiting, facial swelling, fever, lethargy, circulatory shock, loss of consciousness and even death. (If your pet appears distressed, contact your vet immediately.) Reactions occurring days or months after vaccination can be difficult to recognize. They include:
  • Fibrocarcinomas (cancer) at the injection site
  • Seizures and epilepsy
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Chronic digestive problems
  • Allergies
  • Skin diseases
  • Muscle weakness or atrophy
  • Pica (eating inappropriate materials, including feces)
  • Behavioral changes (aggression, separation anxiety, compulsive behaviors and more)
If you suspect a health or behavior problem may be connected to a vaccine, you may have to convince your vet. It’s common to hear “it couldn’t be the shot” or “a reaction like that is impossible.” Even the drug’s manufacturer (to whom you should immediately report the reaction — giving them the brand and lot# — may deny the connection. Insist on seeing the product’s package insert,  viewable on-line or from your vet. Also know that long-term reactions aren’t usually documented or even studied. Note: a vaccine reaction, especially one supported by your vet, may entitle you to compensation for medical expenses from the drug manufacturer.

Vaccinate healthy dogs only

Vaccinating an unhealthy animal can exacerbate illness and do irreparable harm. Also, immunity may not develop after vaccination because of the dog’s compromised immune system. This is especially dangerous as you may presume immunity that does not exist. Pets with autoimmune disease or cancer are obviously “not healthy,” but neither are pets suffering from stress from a move or surgery, a virus or infection, or allergies or skin problems or any other condition compromising health. (Never allow your pet to be vaccinated during surgery.)

Ask for a rabies vaccination exemption

If your dog has documented health problems, ask your vet to apply for a rabies vaccination extension or exemption. Many localities permit them even if state law doesn’t specifically allow them. If your vet won’t apply for an exemption, go elsewhere. You may want to contact a holistic vet who may better understand the dangers of vaccinating an unhealthy animal. If local law forbids exemptions, change the law. Numerous states are in the process of adding exemptions to their laws. Click this link to check your state’s rabies lawand pending exemptions.

Don’t vaccinate against rabies within three weeks of other vaccinations or medication for parasites

Multiple vaccines given at once greatly increase the chance of reactions.  Multiple vaccines are especiallyrisky for small dogs.

Make sure your dog gets the correct vaccine

If you’re vaccinating a puppy, make sure your vet administers a one-year vaccine initially (as late as legally possible) and a three-year vaccine (or whatever is required in your area) thereafter. The one-year and three-year vaccines are virtually identical medically – but not under the law.  A one-year shot must be followed by re-vaccination a year later. Note: the one-year shot is not safer than the three-year (except that it may contain fewer adjuvants).

Vaccinate at the safest time

Vaccinate in the morning, early in the week, and don’t leave the area for at least an hour if possible. Watch for reactions for at least the next 48 hours. Reactions occurring when the closest vet’s office is closed can prove disastrous, even fatal.

Tell your vet you want a Thimerosol-free vaccine

Thimerosol (mercury) in vaccines has been linked to adverse reactions. Merial, for one, makes one- and three-year thimersol-free rabies vaccines: IMRAB® 1 TF and IMRAB® 3 TF. Make sure you see “TF” on the label. (If your vet doesn’t carry the vaccine, you may have to vet shop to find the vaccine you want.  You might also ask why the vet why he/she doesn’t carry it.)

Find a vet trained in homeopathy to vaccinate your dog

Certain homeopathic remedies given before, during and after vaccinating can lessen the chance of ill effects from vaccination. Click the link to find vet referral lists.

Report all vaccine reactions to your vet

…and make sure they’re recorded in your pet’s file. Have the vet sign relevant pages, get copies and put them in a safe place. (Vets lose records, retire and move away.) Also report the reaction to the drug’s manufacturer. (You’ll need the vaccine lot number.) Vets are notoriously bad at reporting reactions, but exemptions to rabies vaccination and drug safety require documentation.

Don’t vaccinate within a week of travel

Pets experiencing reactions on route can die for lack of immediate medical assistance.  (Find a list of emergency clinics by area at  (I cannot guarantee the clinics’ expertise, but at least this is a place to start.)

Keep copies of vaccination records and titer tests in your car

.. and license tags on your dog’s collar or harness. Otherwise, you may be forced to re-vaccinate if your pet bites someone, runs away and is taken to a shelter or if you have to board your pet unexpectedly.

Do not administer a rabies vaccine yourself

It will not satisfy legal requirements and you’ll have to have a vet vaccinate again. You will also be unprepared to deal with a potentially life-threatening reaction.  Similarly, a vet’s office may likely be a safer place to get the vaccine than a mobile clinic.
Finally, support the Rabies Challenge Fund.  World renowned scientists, W Jean Dodds DVM and Ronald D Schultz PhD are working as volunteers to increase the interval between rabies boosters by proving that the vaccine gives immunity, first, for five years, and then for seven years. They’re also working to establish a blood “titer standard” to provide a scientific basis to avoid unnecessary boosters with a simple blood test. This nonprofit group is supported solely by dog lovers and dog groups.
Before the next notice from Animal Control arrives, do your homework. A little time spent learning about the rabies vaccine can mean the difference between your dog’s wellness and serious illness.

Advice to DC

Go to 1:20 mark....
Hmmm, what compensation are you thinking of for the dog who plays the Dakota position? I volunteer IF the chewies are right.

PS, I miss you Dakota, I really do.

November 4th is coming!!!!!!




 'Dona Nobis Pacem' - BlogBlast For Peace 11.4.2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Don't be silent!

NEW FORM How to Report a Complaint about Jerky Pet Treats

Part of the problem has been that the deaths and illnesses have been grossly under reported/.
The FDA has addressed this issue by creating a simpler reporting form:


How to Report a Complaint about Jerky Pet Treats

If your dog is currently sick or has recently been sick, and you believe it is connected to Jerky Pet Treats, we urge you to work with your veterinarian in submitting information through the Safety Reporting Portal.
Please do not call FDA, as it will delay the receipt of your information.
FDA is looking for specific information, especially medical records with blood, urine and/or tissue test results, from recent or currently ongoing cases.
Please contact your veterinarian to obtain this information, or ask your veterinarian to file a report on your pet’s behalf.
Here’s what information will be most helpful:
Information about your pet:
  • Species (dog, cat)
  • Age, weight, breed, pregnant, spayed/neutered
  • Previous health status of pet
  • Any pre-existing conditions your pet has
  • Whether you give your pet any other foods, treats, dietary supplements or drugs
  • How much of the suspected product your pet normally consumes
  • How much of the “suspect” product was consumed from the package?
  • How much of the product you still have
  • Clinical signs exhibited by your pet (such as vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy)
  • How soon after consuming the product the clinical signs appeared
  • Your veterinarian’s contact information, diagnosis and medical records for your pet
  • Results of any diagnostic laboratory testing performed on your pet
  • How many pets consuming the product exhibited clinical symptoms
  • Whether any pets that consumed the product are not affected
  • Whether your pet spends time outdoors unsupervised
  • Why you suspect the pet food caused the illness
Product description:
  • Exact name of the product and product description (as stated on the product label)
  • Type of container (e.g. box, bag, can, pouch, etc.)
  • Product intended to be refrigerated, frozen, or stored at room temperature
  • Lot number - This number is often hard to find and difficult to read. It is stamped onto the product packaging and typically includes a combination of letters and numbers, and is always in close proximity to the best by/before or expiration date (if the product has a best by/before or expiration date). The lot number is very important as it helps us determine the manufacturing plant as well as the production date.
  • Best by, best before or expiration date
  • UPC code (also known as the bar code)
  • Net weight
  • Purchase date and exact location where purchased.
  • Results of any laboratory testing performed on the pet food product
  • How the food was stored, prepared, and handled

Sad. I am just SAD

“The tears I feel today
I'll wait to shed tomorrow.
Though I'll not sleep this night
Nor find surcease from sorrow.
My eyes must keep their sight:
I dare not be tear-blinded.
I must be free to talk
Not choked with grief, clear-minded.
My mouth cannot betray
The anguish that I know.
Yes, I'll keep my tears til later:
But my grief will never go.” 

― Anne McCaffreyDragonsinger

Dear Foley, Dear Daisy, Dear Ziggy, Dearest Phyllis, Dearest Reba, and  Dear Benny... [I hate this list, it's getting too long!]

Please, please welcome Sammy. He is one of my TBFR cousins and today he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge leaving his momma and the rest of us so broken hearted and sad.

I get that whole circle of life thing. But, I have to be honest. I am getting very upset at the fact that my friends seem to be the ones that are called.  It is just not fair.  Momma says the only fair you can count on is the county fair.

Who makes up these stooopid rules anyway?

And it is not just four leggeds that are crossing over the Rainbow Bridge. We have had quite a few two leggeds lost as well. And they were the good two legged kind. You know, one that knew how to give belly rubs and were good people.

I could easily come up with a list of two leggeds that need to go. I am just saying. If it is a matter of just keeping the circle of life going, why not use my list?

Or momma's Niagara Falls list?  She has a list.

Look, I just don't want to lose any more friends.  And yes, I know that the loss is only symbolic. I know that Angel Foley, Angel Daisy, Angel Phyllis, Angel Ziggy, Angel Benny, angel Reba and now Angel Sammy will always be with us, but for now I need for all my buds to stay put and not be crossing any bridges.

Somebody hold me. Please. Auntie Lisa, I love you very much. Tell Cassie that she is welcome to come play with us. And could you please hold her and love her and comfort her?

Thank you.


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Please JOIN us!

IT IS  THE Saturday EVENT!

Join us for our OPEN HOUSE Saturday October 26th 3-6 PM!
Live Canine Acupuncture Demos, Food Therapy Cooking Demo, Meet Dr. Jerry Redding, Hospital & Kennel Tours, Pet Costume Contest (bring your dog in costume or bring a photograph), FacePainting, Dog & Cat Gift Basket Raffles & much more fun for the whole family!

Can't make it to the event & want to participate in the Pet Costume Contest - submit your photos here on Facebook! Winner will be awarded with their choice of either a pet spa day - bath & nail trim- or a free evening of boarding!

Can't make it to the event & want to participate in the Pet Costume Contest - submit your photos here on Facebook! Winner will be awarded with their choice of either a pet spa day - bath & nail trim- or a free evening of boarding!

Hey, I told you I got momma crackalacking!  Check out the cheesecake!  Come have a piece! And while you are it it... buy some of the other goodies we have for sale to benefit Tidewater Bichon Frise Rescue!

Chocolate bread... better get there early if you want this...
Piggies ate one loaf...  some drivel about quality control obligations...  AS if

Seeded Onion RYE bread.  NY deli style

Ciabatta bread

Biscotti... Punkin ones

Cup cakes and Black Bottoms!

And there are going to be rum cakes... and cookies, and pumpkin treats, and ricotta cookies... etc etc..

Just in time to stock up your freezer for Thanksgiving of Hannukah or Thanksgivukkah!

Anyhow, I am going to the open house bake sale because.. I know for a fact that Auntie Robin just baked a fresh batch of doggy treats.

So... come on down!


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dear Benny

I just read your mom's post and my heart is broken.

I ache for her. I ache for your family. I ache for Lily. They all have to learn to live without you.  To some extent we all do. It is going to be hard. But, at least we know you are not in pain.

I do need to tell you a few things.
 1. You were loved deeply. 
 2. You made an impact on many many lives. 
 3. Your fight with miserable cancer was an inspiration to many, you gave us hope.
 4. Benny, the world was better because you lived in it. 

That being said, Benny, I hope you are now your mom's private angel.

Lily, please cuddle mom. Lily we send you much love and support and grieve with you.

Rest in peace Benny. You will always live in our hearts.

'vie and family

The ballad of Thanksgivukkah

I love this!

She is DOING it again

Momma is making my nose go nutty.   She is baking, baking, baking... And you cannot get the smells out of your nose.

Ciabatta bread... Rye bread... chocolate bread.... how is a girl supposed to get some rest?

My nose is being whip lashed.

JD says the best way to unsmell is to smell each other. Mhh.  I will try that.

Here I am trying to unsmell.  I am smelling up JD.

It does not work. You get a whiff of JD and... whatever else is baking.

I talked to Pepe and I know his momma, auntie Crissy is doing the punkin treats that were so popular at the bash and lots of other goodies.  I want the Ricotta cookies. And what's a rum cake?  There are two of those coming to the bake sale.  Would I like one?

You know, I talked to auntie Robin and I know she is making dog treats. :)  Now, that's my auntie Robin.  She has her priorities where they should be...

Bake sale is Sat 3-6 at 100 Kegman Road West, Chesapeake, Virginia 23322


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

per FDA: Prevent Heartworms in Pets Year-Round

Prevent Heartworms in Pets Year-Round

Heartworm warning art (350x327)
On this page:
If you’ve been to a veterinarian’s office, chances are you’ve seen the photos on the wall of worms growing from the heart of a dog or cat. Although these images may be unsettling, the message is clear: Heartworm disease is fatal to pets. The good news: You can protect your pet from this disease.
“It’s a preventable disease, which is why it’s so frustrating as a practitioner when you see a case. Heartworm disease is very serious and the treatment is not very easy on infected animals,” says Melanie McLean, D.V.M., a veterinarian at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). “It’s much easier and healthier for the pet to prevent the disease in the first place.”
Heartworms are carried by infected mosquitoes that transmit parasitic worms that grow in the arteries of the lungs and heart of dogs, cats, and other species of mammals. The heartworm larvae enter the bite wound and move through the pet's body and can grow up to 12 inches long.
The disease is not contagious from one pet to another and heartworms in humans are very rare.

Putting Pets at Risk

Veterinarians often prescribe heartworm prevention medicine for pets to take year round. Due to the link to mosquitoes, some owners opt out of treating their pets during the winter months, but veterinarians see this as an unnecessary risk to the pet’s health.
“You never know when the first mosquito is going to come out, or when the last mosquito is going to die. Heartworms have been reported in dogs in all 50 states and just because you live in a colder climate state doesn’t mean that your dog is safe,” McLean warns.
Animal owners who stop giving heartworm prevention medication during the winter run the risk of their dog or cat contracting heartworms. If the animal becomes infected and the heartworm preventative is later resumed without testing, the owner may be putting the pet in danger. The preventive medicine can kill so many microfilariae (the offspring of adult, female heartworms) at once that it could shock the animal’s system, with potentially fatal results. Also, preventatives will not kill adult heartworms and they will continue to reproduce.
For this reason, testing your dog or cat prior to starting a heartworm preventive medication is essential, especially since pets that have heartworms may not show symptoms right away.
If your pet tests positive for heartworms, it’s crucial to the success of treatment to follow the veterinarian’s directions. There is only one FDA-approved drug that is marketed in the U.S. for the treatment of heartworm disease in dogs. Immiticide (melarsomine hydrochloride), which contains arsenic, is given by injection into the back muscles to kill adult heartworms.
Angela Clarke, D.V.M., team leader in FDA’s Office of New Animal Drug Evaluation, also emphasizes the importance of yearly testing for heartworms—even if you’ve kept your pet on a steady regimen of preventatives. Dogs are tested for heartworms using a simple blood test.
“We recommend yearly checks because no drug is 100 percent effective and we want to make sure the drugs work,” McLean adds. Also, owners often forget to give the preventative for a month or longer.

An Indoor Issue as Well

Another major hurdle that veterinarians face is convincing owners of pets that rarely or never go outside to put those pets on a heartworm preventative.
“When I was in practice, I had owners who balked at heartworm preventative for their cats because they were indoor cats,” says Clarke. The team leader adds that mosquitoes that transmit heartworms can easily access the indoor environment and pets through open doors and windows.
Although cats are considered a resistant host to heartworms because the worms do not survive as well as in a dog’s body, they are still at risk for heartworm disease. McLean said diagnosing heartworms in cats is not as easy, and testing is not as simple, or accurate. In addition to blood work, testing on cats can include X-rays and ultrasounds.
Unlike for heartworm disease in dogs, there is no FDA-approved treatment for killing adult heartworms in cats. Because of the additional complications associated with diagnosing and treating cats, prevention becomes the only weapon against heartworms in cats. It’s best to place both indoor and outdoor cats on a year-round FDA-approved heartworm preventative.

FDA-Approved Heartworm Preventatives for Dogs and Cats

A variety of products are available by prescription only:
  • oral pill or tablet: ivermectin, milbemycin oxime
  • topical liquid that the owner squeezes from a tube onto the pet's back: selamectin, moxidectin
  • injectable (for dogs only): moxidectin
Clarke says owners need to have a conversation with their veterinarian about which type of heartworm prevention is best for their pet. For example, pet owners with children should pay particular attention when using topical treatments and follow the directions carefully to minimize the child’s exposure.
Heartworm preventatives are by prescription only—so beware of an internet site or store that will dispense medicine without a prescription, says Clarke.
Additionally, FDA monitors all heartworm preventatives for problems that may occur with use, such as unexpected side effects. Pet owners are encouraged to report any side effects to their veterinarian, the drug company, and the FDA.
This article appears on FDA's Consumer Updates page, which features the latest on all FDA-regulated products.
Oct. 23, 2013