“The tears I feel today
I'll wait to shed tomorrow.
Though I'll not sleep this night
Nor find surcease from sorrow.
My eyes must keep their sight:
I dare not be tear-blinded.
I must be free to talk
Not choked with grief, clear-minded.
My mouth cannot betray
The anguish that I know.
Yes, I'll keep my tears til later:But my grief will never go.”
― Anne McCaffrey, Dragonsinger
Dear Foley, Dear Daisy, Dear Ziggy, Dearest Phyllis, Dearest Reba, and Dear Benny... [I hate this list, it's getting too long!]
Please, please welcome Sammy. He is one of my TBFR cousins and today he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge leaving his momma and the rest of us so broken hearted and sad.
I get that whole circle of life thing. But, I have to be honest. I am getting very upset at the fact that my friends seem to be the ones that are called. It is just not fair. Momma says the only fair you can count on is the county fair.
Who makes up these stooopid rules anyway?
And it is not just four leggeds that are crossing over the Rainbow Bridge. We have had quite a few two leggeds lost as well. And they were the good two legged kind. You know, one that knew how to give belly rubs and were good people.
I could easily come up with a list of two leggeds that need to go. I am just saying. If it is a matter of just keeping the circle of life going, why not use my list?
Or momma's Niagara Falls list? She has a list.
Look, I just don't want to lose any more friends. And yes, I know that the loss is only symbolic. I know that Angel Foley, Angel Daisy, Angel Phyllis, Angel Ziggy, Angel Benny, angel Reba and now Angel Sammy will always be with us, but for now I need for all my buds to stay put and not be crossing any bridges.
Somebody hold me. Please. Auntie Lisa, I love you very much. Tell Cassie that she is welcome to come play with us. And could you please hold her and love her and comfort her?
Thank you.
Oh so sorry. This is such a sad time
Hey Lily, for all of us. How are you doing darling?
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