Yessirybob! ??? [What does that even mean??? Who is that dude???] NEVERMIND.
Here comes the BIG announcement.
Deep Breath.
Sweet talked Adam into getting YESTERDISH to sponsor some baked good to sell at Bark in the Park.
After all YESTERDISH rescues... lost recipes and Tidewater Bichon Frise Rescue rescues BICHONs and the way I see it, RESCUE IS RESCUE!!! And Adam loves me. And I was rescued by Tidewater Bichon Frise Rescue, so it all MAKES SENSE. Well actually I hope it will make CENTS- Hmm No DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLARS.... 'cause we need them to support the residents at White Dog Cottage.
Anyway... you will love this... This is what I talked them into doing...
Cupcakes... YES! the YESTERDISH famous cupcakes loaded with YESTERDISH's frosting. Thank you Dowi for developing that recipe, IT IS TO DIE FOR.
The baked YESTERDISH mini donuts, all cimmony [it is too a word!] and sugary....I kind of love these.
Shhhhh auntie Robin, don't look at this.
The infamouns YESTERDISH ONION POPPY SEED ROLLS- [I would not touch these on the count that onions and dogs do not mix---but the hooomans rave about them. Next life I will try them, assuming I come back as Dakota Fanning or someone like that]
YESTERDISH 's Challah is also all ready for tomorrow...
As are the punkin Biscotti and of course the OLD fashioned raisin oatmeal cookies. {Momma we need to talk.... raisins??? WHY??? YOU know we can't eat those~! Like tradition means anything to me!}
Soooooo look and figure out what you want and show up early because we are going to apply the FCFS rule, first come first serve.... rule.
You know momma is NOT getting any younger and I can't make her bake any more than this without breaking her... and this close to THANKSCHANNUKAHGIVING [same day this year!] I can't risk it. The family would kill me.
OHHHH they are also giving out the recipe cards for these things, in case you are in a baking mood.
Well I have to go lick something now, soooo
See yo all tomorrow! I have to go sit with the old gal while she recovers... it is my job you know...
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