Friday, May 30, 2014

Sepia Saturday SAGA

Max is smiling and just looking ever so pleased... His stuffie is a great chin rest and the blankie is so perfect...

And oh, look... he is next to his new love, Silvieon4 who chose her velvet pillow to "just chill ". How convenient!

Ooops... JD is not going to let this go on. Come on, get real, this is "his"  Silvieon4, No interloping city slicker from Arlington gonna make a move on HIS gurl!!!!

It is... a Sepia Saturday SAGA... and the Wendy is quietly watching from afar.

"I am innocent- says 'Vie- Boyz will be boyz!"

Reclaiming your hooman











Isn't lovely to own a hooman?


PS Max. see, ADAM is mine.ALL mine.  No matter what you think.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

From the FDA lamb crunchie's RECALL

Recall -- Firm Press Release

FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties. FDA does not endorse either the product or the company.

Pet Center, Inc. Voluntary Recall of 3 oz bag of Lamb Crunchy’s Because of Possible Health Risk

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - May 27, 2014 - Pet Center, Inc of Los Angeles, CA. is voluntarily recalling its 3 oz bag of Lamb Crunchy’s dog treats (LAM-003) (UPC# 727348200038) with date code 122015 product of USA, because it has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella.
Salmonella can affect animals eating the products and there is a risk to humans from handling contaminated pet products, especially if they have not thoroughly washed their hands after having contact with the products or any surface exposed to these products.
Healthy people infected with Salmonella should monitor themselves for some or all of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramping and fever. Rarely, Salmonella can result in more serious ailments, including arterial infections, endocarditis, arthritis, muscle pain, eye irritation, and urinary tract symptoms. Consumers exhibiting these signs after having contact with this product should contact their healthcare providers.

Guest Blogger: Max

Hi new friends!

It's wonderful to meet everyone. I've been staying at Silvie's house for the past few days and I can't wait to tell you all about it.

I was pretty concerned when Dori (she's my person) packed up almost all my favorite toys and snacks in a black suitcase, but she promised it was for a vacation and that we'd have fun. Thankfully, she was telling the truth (not like that time she said she wasn't hiding my eyedrops behind her back AND SHE TOTALLY WAS). This place is awesome!!!!

Before this trip, my best stuffy was named Arf (he's the one in the pic with me). I took him everywhere; walks, happy hour, other walks. But now I have a better stuffy. I call her "Silvie." She is white and fluffy like me, but she has a tiny button nose and long and floofy ears. I love to sniff them. Unlike Arf, who is wonderful but a little lazy, Silvie is always sticking her butt in my face and fanning her tail. We romp a billion times a day. SO FUN.

I almost had another stuffy that I found in the yard, but Dori wouldn't let me keep her. Dori called her "Buttercup" and said that she had a bunny family that loved her very much and that I couldn't keep her. It's sad, she was so tiny and I really liked her squeaks. Dori said she is safe and happy with her family though, sigh.

I've made other new friends here too. JD is so cool. He lets me bark at stuff with him. We both hate large brown dogs, so it's pretty fun. Wendy is a little more reserved, like Arf, but I love her and I never pass up the chance for a good sniff. She is so pretty!

I also really love the food here. I mean, Dori is a great cook and all or whatever, but I had a turkey egg for breakfast this morning!!!! And I keep finding the best chewies all over the place! It's a little hard to find a good place to hide them because, even though I try, I can't seem to dig a hole in the carpet to bury them. I'm really going to focus on that today, so I'll let you know how it goes.

My absolute favoritest part of this vacation isn't the stuffies, the chewies, or even the food. It's that Dori doesn't abandon me every day for "work." You guys. I hate work. Work is stupid. I need her with me. I need food and belly rubs and snuggles and play time and walks and sniffies. NO MORE WORK. I hope she is done forever and I get my person back for good!

The only bad part of the trip is that Dori keeps putting weird outfits on me. SIGH.

Anyway, even with the weird outfits, this has been the best vacation so far. I totally recommend staying with Silvie for vacations. And sniffing her ears. And romping. And turkey eggs!!!

Chewies and stuffies,

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sepia Saturday: Looking cool is a full time job.

Memorial Day. Hm. Which one is that?  Oh yea, the BBQ, rib and GRILLED meat party!  I like that one.
My two legged siblings are coming home yeaaaa!
Wait. The Dowi is bringing MAX. Hm.

You know, I need to work on that boy.  He was all over the Wendy, which is nice. I guess.  The Wendy
has an admirer, but what am I? Chopped livah?  Left over sushi??
Momma says I might be suffering beautiful girl syndrome.
You know, so beautiful that most boys are intimidated by my looks?

Well, Max, get over your insecurities.  YOU WILL PLAY WITH ME.
I am cool.  I am fun, I am beautiful and I run this joint, so deal with that .
You want anything while you are here, it starts and ends with moi.

How do you like my shades?

Think being cool is easy?  IT's a full time job!

Momma, do you have enough ribs, and steaks and sausage and pork chops and corn? [Feed the hoomans corn and they are too full for meat... It is a great plan!]

I think I will lounge while the momma runs around "preparing".
It is good to be a BICHON!


Friday, May 23, 2014

Ok, but No, momma, no.

I have no desire to have R2D2 to walk me.  Walking is "our" thing. Yours and mine. I do not trust R2D2. I mean....Roomba is a robot and it is stupid. Neato is a robot and it is stupid.  I mean...I can confuse them with a wag!  

If the big duck comes up to me and tries to beak me, what would this robot do? Can it kiss my ouchies gone? Does it know how to protect me?  I say no. I would not take one step with the flying Roomba... Not one. Get another robot to do other chores. Walking me is NOT a chore. And I am not an assignable duty.
The nerve.
Hoomans. Can't relax for one second around them.

TIMELY REPOST! PLEASE be careful in your planting choices.

Please, prevent a tragedy. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

what's Toxic to dogs? a quick refresher...

Landscape fever got you itching to attack the garden? It is that time of the year.. But maybe, this year, you should trade off impulse for planning and look at this list first:

Toxic Plants for Dogs

AlocasiaCordatumJimsonweedJava Bean (seed)
Aloe VeraCorn (Cornstalk) PlantJonquil (bulb)Jerusalem Cherry
Amaryllis (bulb)CorydalisKalanchoeJessamine
AndromedaCrotalaria (seed)LaburnumPencil Cactus
Apple (leaf & stem)CrotonLarkspurPeony
Appleseed (cyanide)Crown of ThornsLaurelPhilodendron
ArrowgrassCuban LaurelLilly of the Valley (bulb)Poinsettia
Autumn Crocus (bulb)CycadLocoweedPoison Ivy
Avocado (seed)CyclamenLupinePokeweed (root)
AzaleaDaffodil (bulb)ManchineelPotato (not tuber)
Bird of Paradise (seed pod)DaphneMarble QueenPrecatory Bean
BittersweetDeath Camas (bulb)MarigoldPrimrose
Black LocustDelphiniumMarijuanaPrivet
Bleeding HeartDieffenbachiaMay Apple (root)Rayless Goldenrod
BoxwoodDumb CaneMedicine PlantRhododendron
Buckeye (seed)Easter Lily Mistletoe (berries)Rhubarb
Buddhist PineEggplant (not fruit)MonkshoodSnow on the Mountain
ButtercupElephant's EarMorning GloryStar of Bethlehem (bulb)
CaladiumEnglish IvyMushroomsStinging Nettle
Calamondin OrangeElderberryNarcissus (bulb)String of Pearls/Beads
Calla LilyFava Bean (seed)NightshadeTaxus
Castor BeanFiddle-Leaf FigOleanderToadstool
Cherry (leaf & stem)Finger Cherry (fruit)OnionTobacco
Cherry Pit (cyanide)FoxglovePeaTomato (not fruit)
ChokecherryGround Cherry (not fruit)PeachTulip (bulb)
Christmas RoseHemlockIris (bulb)Walnuts
ChrysanthemumHolly (berries)Japanese YewWater Hemlock (tuber)
CinerariaHyacinth (bulb)Jasmine (berries)Wild Aconite
Climbing Lily Hydrangea Indian Tobacco Wisteria

for more info:

and... is your MULCH safe? Cocoa mulch is as toxic as chocolate. Yes, do check what your mulch contains...Some have dyes, chemicals to prevent rot and infestation and are quite toxic. And even a "safe mulch" ingested by a playful puppy become an intestinal obstruction which can cause death. Pretty rocks, are much safer and easier to maintain. And they hose off clean! And it is an easy do it yourself project. And you can really let your creativity show off here. Everything from colors to design. For some ideas, go here:

And while on topic...of DANGERS... and TOXICITY...... dusting off the old list of foods that are toxic to dogs:

CHOCOLATE: All chocolate is bad for dogs. – dark chocolate, especially baker’s chocolate, is the worst.  When a dog eats chocolate, the dog has basically ingested POISON. Time is of the essence. Once it starts breaking down into blood stream you are fighting multi system failure and death. Chocolate contains a substance called Theobromine (similar to caffeine), which in toxic doses can cause heart attacks, blood pressure spikes, retinal damge, kidney damage, death. As little as 2 oz baker’s chocolate can be fatal for a small dog. If you suspect your dog has gotten into chocolate call your vet immediately.

GRAPES/RAISINS: Always TOXIC. Grapes and raisins are TOXIC fruit for dogs. They  cause acute renal (kidney) failure. As little as a handful at a time can be deadly.

ONIONS: A substance in onions, disulfide, is harmless to humans but toxic to not only dogs but cats, horses, sheep and cattle. It causes hemolytic anemia, and as little as 2 slices a week can damage red blood cells, impairing their ability to carry oxygen. NOTE: Garlic and onion and shallots are in the same family, while small amounts of garlic will not harm your dog, too much is not good.

LIVER: In small amounts liver is very good for your dog (less than 3 servings a week). Large amounts cause vitamin A toxicity (hypervitaminosis A). This can lead to bone problems, weight loss and anorexia. Also, never feed liver if your dog is taking vitamin A supplements, and always cook it before feeding.

BONES: Caution here. Raw meaty bones and chicken bones are prone to splinter and lodge in the throat, or worse, the intestines, in which case they can perforate the lining causing internal bleeding and possibly death. This doesn’t mean “no bones” – ask the butcher for soup bones, bring water to a full boil then cook the bones for approximately 20 minutes (depending on size). Raw food proponents encourage freezing the bones first to kill off bacteria.Obviously your source for raw food is very important.

RAW EGGS: Cooked eggs are a very healthy treat for dogs, raw egg whites contain a protein called Avidin. This protein depletes your dog of B vitamins, specifically Biotin, which is essential to growth and coat condition. Also, raw eggs may contain bacteria, such as Salmonella.

RAW DOUGH: Never give yeasty raw dough to a dog. the yeast releases gases as it expands. this can lead to bloat, which is deadly in dogs.
Yeast also ferments, which would be the same as feeding your dog alcohol.. too much alcohol in a dog is the same as too much for a human.. dogs can just as easily suffer alcohol poisoning.

RAW MEAT/POULTRY: Once again bacteria are the main problem – Salmonella and Clostridium, both can be very serious and costly to treat. IF you are doing raw foods, the safety of your food chain lies in your source. If you have any doubts... cook it first. NOTE: Best to avoid pork, especially bacon (which contains sodium nitrate).

MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS: FYI, 50% of dogs are lactose intolerant (just like people!) – they don’t produce the enzyme Lactase, therefore they are unable to break down Lactose (milk sugar). This can cause gas, diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. Goat cheeses are safe as they do not contain lactase.

NUTS: Walnuts can cause gastroenteritis and are considered poisonous to dogs. Macadamia nuts contain an unknown compound, which can cause muscle tremors, weakness and paralysis of the hindquarters – luckily these symptoms last a short time. In general, nuts are high in phosphorus and may contribute to the formation of bladder stones. NOTE: Peanuts are a legume, “from the earth”, not grown on trees. They are not harmful when used in small amounts.

POTATO: Cooked and mashed potatoes are good for dogs, but green potatoes contain. poisonous alkaloids  called Solanum which are toxic to both people and dogs.

TOMATO PLANTS: Stems and leaves contain oxalates, which can cause bladder stones. NOTE: The fruit itself is not the culprit, however high amounts of vitamin C can cause gastrointestinal distress.

RHUBARB: This plant (especially the leaves) also contains oxalates.

TURKEY SKIN: Known to cause acute Pancreatitis in dogs because it is so high in fats. Would you eat 3 sticks of butter in one sitting and be ok? No.... soooo.... just discard that skin.

PIPS: Found in the seeds of apples, pears, plums, peaches and apricots – ALL CONTAIN ARSENIC!

NUTMEG: Is a hallucinogen in dogs.

BABY FOOD: Just be careful that the baby food you are feeding doesn’t contain onion powder – some do. See onion poisoning for more information.

MUSHROOMS: as in people... wild mushrooms are best left IN THE WILD. Generally not something you want to feed your dog because of the fungal properties...

BROCCOLI: There has been a bit of confusion where broccoli is concerned. Broccoli is very good for dogs, however, if the daily intake exceeds more than 10% of the animals diet – problems can occur. The toxic substance is isothiocyanate and can cause gastrointestinal irritation.

Well, this is just a start. BE SAFE not SORRY


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thoughtless Thursday. Oh oh.... she is cleaning the pool!

You know what THAT means????

Hey Max, can you swim? The Yellow Towel is mine. Just so you know.  And momma is NOT to be trusted.
She will "water dance" you ...


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Is this palliative damage control by the FDA????? Shaking my head

FDA is Vigilant About Keeping Your Pets Safe

pet medicine injection (350x300)dry pet food in a dish (350x245)
On this page:
You may know that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) works to keep foods and drugs safe for you and your family, but you may not realize the agency does much of the same for your pets.
FDA engages in pharmacovigilance; that is, it monitors reports of adverse drug events (unexpected and sometimes serious side effects) from manufacturers, veterinarians and animal owners. Monitoring this information can result in changes in product labeling to better communicate drug safety information. In addition, the agency maintains a website through which consumers can report safety problems related to pet foods.
“People value their pets and may not realize that FDA is constantly on the lookout for signs that there is a medication or food on the market that could result in adverse health events,” says John Baker, a veterinarian and director of the Division of Veterinary Product Safety (DVPS) within the agency’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM).

Drug Safety

In Fiscal Year 2013, FDA received 86,444 reports of adverse drug events from manufacturers, veterinarians, and consumers. Baker explains that while manufacturers are required by law to report adverse drug events, veterinarians and consumers are encouraged to report on a voluntary basis. Instructions for pet owners on reporting can be found at
CVM’s pharmacovigilance efforts can lead to
  • revisions in product labels,
  • “Dear Doctor” letters to veterinarians warning of potential safety issues,
  • client information sheets informing pet owners of important drug information, and
  • articles in veterinary journals.
In addition, to get the word out about its pharmacovigilance efforts, FDA reaches out to veterinarians at professional meetings, continuing education courses and conferences. More recently, FDA has begun reaching out to technicians in veterinary practices, too, to encourage them to report issues of concern with veterinary drugs. “We’re suggesting that more vet techs assume the responsibility for adverse event reporting for vets who may be too tied up to do so in the course of a busy day,” Baker says.

Monitoring Errors, Pet Medications

Even if the medication itself is safe for your pet when given correctly, there are a number of ways medication errors can occur when the prescription is filled or when you dispense it to your pet. In 2008, CVM also began monitoring reports of medication errors and focusing on ways to increase the safe use of those medications by pet owners.
According to Linda Kim-Jung, a pharmacist and safety reviewer in DVPS, some causes of medication errors include:
  • drug names that look alike or sound alike;
  • drug labels that look alike;
  • drug dosage devices (such as oral syringes) that are difficult to use because of poor design or unclear directions for use;
  • use of error-prone abbreviations or symbols on written prescriptions;
  • illegible handwriting on prescriptions; and
  • miscommunication when verbally prescribing orders.
To help prevent such errors, CVM evaluates drug names, labeling, packaging and product design before a drug is approved, Kim-Jung says.
“After a drug goes on the market, we also review adverse drug reports, which sometimes describe medication errors,” Kim-Jung adds. FDA also educates veterinary professionals and the public about veterinary medication errors and ways to minimize and prevent medication errors. For more information, please see the FDA/CVM Veterinary Medication Errors web page.

Monitoring Problems with Pet Foods

Pet foods also come under FDA’s purview.
Lee Anne Palmer, VMD, a veterinarian and safety reviewer at CVM says that consumers may recall that in 2007, FDA confirmed that many dogs and cats in the U.S. were developing kidney failure after eating pet foods contaminated with the chemical compound melamine. Pet food manufacturers voluntarily recalled more than 100 brands of dog and cat food across the nation as a result of an intensive investigation by the FDA.
More recently, FDA has asked veterinarians and pet owners to report dog illnesses related to eating chicken, duck, or sweet potato jerky treats, nearly all of which are imported from China. As a result, FDA has received many well-documented case reports that will greatly assist its continuing investigation into pet illnesses and deaths associated with these products.
“Although the pet food supply in the U.S. is very safe, we want to be as aware as possible of any problems connected with animals eating pet foods,” Palmer says. “To that end, we encourage consumers to report adverse events they think may be related to pet foods and to provide as much information as possible.” In calendar year 2013, CVM received over 3,000 pet food adverse event and product problem reports.
FDA scientists analyze trends over time and may identify clusters of illness tied to a particular product, looking for consistencies in such things as lot numbers or brand names. This kind of information helps FDA target problems and decide whether to collect product samples for laboratory analysis. “Many product recalls have been a direct result of adverse event reporting by animal owners, veterinarians and manufacturers,” Palmer says.
Pet owners, veterinarians, and concerned citizens can report complaints about pet food products electronically through the agency’s Safety Reporting Portal. The online questionnaire asks for information about brand name, product type, package size, lot number and use-by dates. Petowners and veterinarians can also report by calling the FDA District Offices.
Palmer says that lot numbers and use-by dates are particularly important in helping FDA track down potential problem sources. Consumers can also find the answers to frequently asked questions about pet food safety reporting at
This article appears on FDA’s Consumer Updates page, which features the latest on all FDA-regulated products.
May 21, 2014
Page Last Updated: 05/21/2014