Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tasty Tuesday on the go: How do you serve 3 HOT DOGS?

Apres walking... you ride in your buggy to the nearest outdoor cafe`.  You find suitable seating, they really need more shade...but it will do.

Yes, please do order up some water because we are thirsty.  And please, get us each our own cup. 

And now, for the main event.  Raspberry sorbet all around!

Makes your tongue super pink, but it is delicious. And refreshing.  And that's HOW you serve THREE HOT DOGS!



Two French Bulldogs said...

You never fail to crack us up
Lily & Edward

Unknown said...

Looks so tasty! I'd be okay with a pink tongue for one of those!

Unknown said...

That sounds so tasty and refreshing!

Stopping by from the blog hop to say hi!
Marquie & Petal from Loved By A Collie