Thursday, March 25, 2010

In pursuit of knowledge

Paw nation is reporting on the meaning of growls . Mhh, I did that a while back. Ha they quoted the same study!

Sep 19, 2009
Sep 19, 2009
research on language and social interaction, 34(2), 183-210. pongracz, p., miklosi, a., & csanyi, v. (2001). owner's beliefs on the ability of their pet dogs to understand human verbal communication: a case of social understanding. ...

Jul 13, 2009
Jul 13, 2009
am i influenced mt momma's language background? does my bark have "an accent?" i need to meet bichons from other parts of the world, stat. i need to study this! is there any data out there? should i bau bau to get momma's attention? ...

Well, maybe she should be reading this blog.... And yes... we have secret growls that are not discernible by 2leggeds. Live with it. Your ears just don't function that well... Ha, thumbs!

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