Saturday, September 19, 2009

Psychologically SPEAKING... er BARKING

1. Please don't talk to me like I am a human baby!
Save the "Coochie-coochie-coooos!" Talking to me in a high pitched voice just hurts my ears and it really does not convey what you are trying to say to me. All I get is "I am excited! I am excited...." so.. you are excited... and why should I pay attention???

I know that a lot of people that think they talk to infants the same way they talk to dogs. Psychological studies on the topic revealed similarities in the use of high pitched voices, repetitive use of grammatically acceptable words and present tense verbs.The differences were evident in the usage of directive speech, ie orders when talking to dogs verses questions when talking to babies.

The initial conclusion reached was that the problem is the limited attention span of both dogs and children. I beg to differ. That use of the squeaky voice and repetitious drivel, is JUST boring. No wonder we turn away....
So, please do us both, babies and dogs a favor, cut that out!

2. Do you think dogs understand humans?

Talk in your normal voice, Make eye contact, and let me get a feel for you so I can understand you. Generally, despite all that high pitch jibberish, multiple studies have proven over time that dogs do understand humans. The only empirical evidence accepted in multiple studies was a dog's ability to follow commands. Limited, no? [Obviously they did not read this blog!] SO generally , it is accepted knowledge that we, 4 leggeds do understand 2 leggeds.

This is true even when momma spells WALK.... or RIDE. So why she bothers spelling it??? And daddy, we got the disappearing treat trick ions ago, we just humor you, because we love you, that's all.... and it makes you feel... "special"....

3. Dogs facilitate social interaction- we are social lubricant
Taking a 4 legged for a walk is a sure way to find yourself interacting with other humans. We facilitate social contact. In 1993, Rogers, Hart and Boltz conducted an observational study of elderly dog walkers. The finding was simple an obvious , to me anyway... First of all the walkers were happier people, emotionally, socially and physically better off than non dog walkers. - DUH!!! I told you momma, we walk you for YOUR benefit!!!

Second, these walker engaged in social interaction with other walkers, often talking about ... their dogs!

Single men... we are great facilitators. You don't need a wing man, you need a wing dog!!! [hi uncle Phil]

4. Do dogs owners resemble their dogs?
One study seems to prove that theory with one exception: a. Roy and Christenfeld (2004 and 2005) found that, yes, dogs do resemble their owners, but only if they're purebreds -

Noooooo No no no.... It has got to be the other way around! I don't want to look like you. No offense. I think the truth is... momma will look like ME!!!!

Hope for you momma! You will eventually look more and more Bichon!!! Yeaaaa! [she better not get a tail better looking than mine, is all I can say....I have enough competition from Wendy!]
Wait a minute... that bad perm a while back... was that an accident or your attempt at Bichoness????

So, now you get the psychology?
Speaking of getting. Did you vote? I need you to vote. We need to make it in the finals. We have lots of dogs waiting for help...

Vote already, don't make me beg... in public...



Mitchell, R.W. (2001). Americans' Talk to Dogs: Similarities and Differences With Talk to Infants. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 34(2), 183-210.

Pongracz, P., Miklosi, A., & Csanyi, V. (2001). Owner's beliefs on the ability of their pet dogs to understand human verbal communication: A case of social understanding. Cahiers de psychologie cognitive, 20(1-2), 87-107.

Rogers, J., Hart, L.A., & Boltz, R.P. (1993). The role of pet dogs in casual conversations of elderly adults. J Soc Psychol, 133(3), 265-77.

Roy, M.M., & Christenfeld, N.J.S. (2004). Research Report Do Dogs Resemble Their Owners? Psychological Science, 15(5), 361.

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