Sunday, September 20, 2009


Auntie Robin talking to someone about rescue!

We sold home made granola bars to power 2 leggeds... some of them were looking tired out

Of course I campaigned! Look we really do need to win that money, I met Dexter today, he is in rescue now, but boy he needs some vet help and I promised him help and a new forever family.

We sold dog goodies. Liver lips lovers knew where to come and refresh their stash.... Lots of people and lots of dogs

Lots of toys and lots of fun and lots of grass an places to run and sniff.

I am tired, and I am ready for din din and a nap.

Mhhh, thank you all for making this fun. don't forget to vote. Look on your lolly pop for the info. OR go to the Left side of this blog and click on vote for my dog... or

CLICK HERE and register and VOTE!!


GO VA!!!!


yes Silvieon4 is me!!!!!

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