Friday, March 5, 2010

I was just thinking...

I was watching the Wendy and the JD greet the daddy. Funny, I never noticed before that they wag [the tail of course] very differently from me. Well, actually the Wendy is more like me. Her tail is very articulated. we both can wag part or the whole tail, straight or curly.
I give momma a tip of the tail wag when she walks by. I have her on a strict tail regiment. Full tail wags are rewards and they have to be in response to belly rubs and such. You have to be a consistent trainer. Can't deviate, otherwise, who knows when your next belly rub will come about!

Now JD. Strange boy. First of all he wags all the time. BUT, he only wags the whole tail and only in the curly position! I don't believe he can do a tip wag or a side to side sashe` wag. [Of course we have names for the type of wag! Duh!] The Wendy and I can do an absolute mean windmill wag. We can generate wind power. Momma, put the phone down. Ed Bagley does not need to know about this! Jeez. I can already envision Bichons being forced to wag to generate electricity...Shudder...

I watched other 4leggeds and there are so many tail wagging styles I can't believe it!. If you a 4legged out there, do share how you wag and if your wags are successful, please, be generous with your tips on the hows and whens!

anyway, I was just thinking,
sure beats listening to that Pelosi woman on the TV

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Marshmallow said...

Hm... I've never thought about it. I am a very discrimating wagger; like you, I won't just wag for anything. My most common wag is very ladylike and subtle. When I do it, mama says "twitch, twitch". My brother, Prince, wags ALL the time--but straight, not curly. Ricotta, who is also a perpetual wagger, wags from the curly position. I wonder what that all means? Thank you for giving me something to ponder today!

silvieon4 said...

You are welcome and how are you feeling? I bet you are scoring lots of belly rubs!

rocky-dog said...

I too have multiple wag positions. I think us guys wag more robustly (face it 'vie, it IS a guy thing to wag robustly!) I tend to wag from a curly position most of the time when I am in meet and greet mode at the theatre (I think that is what the renters expect after all -- there is a "cuteness" factor that needs to be employed when one is on the job).

As for listening to the Pelosi woman -- mama tends to gag and get really red in the face when Pelosi is on TV. I don't think mama likes Pelosi much at all. Just saying. . .

Rocky, the rentals rock star (I got my head shots taken the other day at work for our new theatre website!)

silvieon4 said...

Ohh Rockyyy head shots! Serious modeling!. Pelosi means hairy in Italian. Momma loves fuzzy like me... I guess hairy is not her thing.

As far as that guy wag. All I can say, until you have witnessed a full tushy tail wag from the Wendy, you don't know what robust is... She can knock you into tomorrow with her butt wag!

Mommy, I'm Home said...

Chica is trying to see her tail wag in the mirror right now. I was told to tell you she will get back to you on this question, 'vie.