If he decides to take us for a ride, I will have it handy! Hint RIDE as in a CAR as in out of the house...as in going to a STORE... Mentally channeling that vision... to daddy...
But instead, daddy keeps tossing my purse into my toybox.
Look it is my purse, not my toy.
It is a Muttsoni, you should NOT be tossing about like it was worthless!
Boy oh boy, I do miss Momma.
She gets purses. She gets girls' things.
And she likes to go shopping.
How do I keep this daddy from messing with my stuff?
Where do you put your purse??
vote ok?
Hi Silvie. I have that same purse! My Daddy will pick my purse up for me when I drop it off of the bed, but other than that, he leaves it alone. I'll ask my Daddy to call your Daddy and explain. You don't separate a little girl from her purse!!!
You are a fashion diva and should never be caught without your purse when you go out because all your diva stuff is in that purse. I have a Pupda purse (like my mom's Prada). And I also have a Poochie (like a Gucci, only better).
Grrrls -- you are sooooo weird with your purses! Rocky
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