Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wendy's gift coupon has been REDEEMED

Yes, I am so very very tired right now and this is why:

I redeemed my play coupon from Wendy and it has been a FUN day!

My birthday week continues and I am loving it. Could we have a birthday month???
We started the day by going out right after breakfast. It was such a nice day I decided I would "call in my chips" with Wendy and have a play day not to be forgotten. :)

This is Wendy asking me if I am sure about redeeming my coupon. I think she was worried. She knows I play hard!

This is me staring her down. "I am absolutely positively sure.! Let's play!"
Game is on! We tumbled and rolled and chased and played the teeth game and played tug of war and we chased the rabbit and the squirrel and a bird. It was so much fun!!!!!!!
This is Wendy doing her best big teeth face, she is sooo good at that game that she scares others. Her face looks very scary. I love it! I have to practice that face in the mirror.

When she does "the face" my 2leggeds really worry that she is going to hurt someone. But she is MY Wendy, she is a lover and she would not hurt anyone.

We continued playing all day and inside while dinner was being made. Hey a deal is a deal. The coupon said until Silvie, the birthday girl is tired!!! I was not tired- yet.
Here I am reminding Wendy that I am NOT tired yet . (I think she was wiped out!) Well, I really was tired, but I did not want to give in and give it all up. But when momma said dinner was ready, well, that was our out and as we settled down for dinner.
We were all pooped out. BUT IT WAS THE BEST DAY!!!!
I have to thank both Wendy and JD for the best ever birthday!!!!!

sign me sleepy

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