Progress Report Card- 2008-2009
Student- Momma
Homeroom teacher Silvieon4
Grade Mark Legend
A Achieving
M Making Progress
N Needs Practice
H Hopeless
G Give up
Lifelong Learning Skills
Follows the household rules M
Uses Self Control M
Works and Plays Independently A
Uses Time Productively - N not enough nap and snuggle time.
Is courteous and considerate M except for that whole Halloween costume thing.
Personal skills:
States her name, first and last A
Introduces us in the same way A
Dresses Independently A unless you count Trinny and Suzanne and Rachel and Stacey and Clinton
Organizes Personal Materials A [ duh OCD!!]
Understands her boundaries when it comes to her 4leggeds N
Math: H
Oh yes she can count.
But when it comes to chewies she is stuck on the number 1. Fails to apply the number 1 when giving kisses.
Literacy and Speaking Skills:
Reading is no problem. A
Talking is no problem. Stop talking is the issue. N
Talking consistently in the same language is an issue. G
Listening is an issue. NO costumes... N
Following Directions G– ha! She calls directions “destructions”
Using appropriate volume. N
Social Studies:
Walking on a leash A
Allowing enough time for proper social interaction when encountering another 4 legged.N
Can open and run software program A
Uses proper care with equipment A
Special issues: G
Has problems identifying equipment as non living entity
Speaks to equipment as if it understands her. Takes equipment failure "personally".
Assessment an recommendations:
While student is eager to learn, she is not always eager to please. She needs more naps, more snuggles, less OCD behavior and she could stand to gain more good will by handing out more chewies and going on more walks.
The year is young and I see you are challenged with this student, 'vie - slightly challenged. I am sure she will be a star student by year's end.
Try rubbing up against her like a cat when you want to snuggle and get really cozy, close right way - then pretend to be asleep so she won't want to stir to interrupt you and maybe she will actually take a nap, too! Me, well - when my momma wants to nap, I want to whine and bark. I prefer napping when she's working on the computer. Weird, I know!
Mhh good approach. I will be trying out. If I weren't such a 'puccino addict, I would try talking her out of having coffee. Maybe then her battery would run down faster. I will try it your way.
Tell your momma to get you Dragon Naturally Barking, then when she is on the puter you can be on too!
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