Sunday, October 4, 2009

A peek on the Bark in the Park and a quick THANK YOU

Bark in the park 09... Phew! Fun, busy, and our volunteers made it special. Remember I mentioned Bella? Our youngest volunteer, well here she is! And she is pooped because that fudge and those brownies did not bake themselves! Thank you so much Bella, your work will go a long way toward the care of one of the White Cottage Bichons. You met Layla, and there there is Will and Yuki and Frannie.... and the list goes on and on.....

Funny uncle Jack. Abandoned... adopted.. ha.. ha.. ha..... so where is his tag?

Bichons always go with beautiful people. See what I mean??? Meet Miss Lolly who also "fudged and brownied" late into the night!

Some of our volunteers had 4 legs! Hi Timmy, thanks for participating in the Bichon Parade!!!
Regan, Thank you too!!! and Sugar's momma and daddy. all of you guys are just the best!
Daddy is calling me for din din, see you in a bit!!!


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