Sunday, December 5, 2010

What's happening back home? SAUSAGE!

Just talked to momma- Wanted to get her legal opinion on the TSA stuff. [I have been groped. I actually wish I was getting groomed right now... ICK] So, I made the mistake of asking what was happening back home...
Sausage! Momma is making sausage. I love sausage time. I love the cracklings and bits of cooked pork. I am not sure why they have to spice it up, pork is delicious sans seasoning!
I asked for pics.... This is what she sent. The woman is a professional torturer.
Oh get this... she ends her e mail with "Have a good time honey, got to go eat my breakfast"....


I miss home.

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1 comment:

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Rudy wants me to let you know that his Holiday contest/giveaway is going on NOW and he'd really like you to enter; go to, for rules. (All you have to do is write a very short poem themed on pets/Holiday) - Rudy's trying to get a good amount of entries; and he really needs your help!
Thanks, and those sausages looks mighty good... :)
Rudy's Raiser