The Jason Debus Heigl Foundation Launches The Compassion Revolution to Directly Address the Pet Overpopulation Crisis. Katherine Heigl and the Foundation Unveil Key Elements of the Program
Los Angeles, CA, Thursday, September 23, 2010… In a press conference held today at the Four Seasons Hotel, Katherine Heigl, accompanied by the Jason Debus Heigl Foundation Board, kicked off a major companion pet initiative - The Compassion Revolution. Its broad mission is to unite diverse groups and individuals under one alliance to initiate programs that will directly address the pet overpopulation crisis in the area, and to set a precedent for similar programs across the country. To kick off the Compassion Revolution, today the Heigl Foundation announced a $1 million pledge for spay/neuter and supporting programs in the City and County of Los Angeles and neighboring communities.
This should be an inspiration to all of you out there, DO SOMETHING!!!! CARRY THE MESSAGE FORWARD!!!! COMPASSION, DIGNITY, FREEDOM FROM HUNGER AND PAIN.
I am inspired
Momma said she hopes just one person from ery house gets involved!
happy blog hop!
giant wet kisses,
Hey Roscoe! We agree with your momma!
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