Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It's legal!

MY toy. My toy tag, MY paper to chew. It's legal... Go away. Let me be.

who vants to be alone...
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Mommy, I'm Home said...

A little testy this morning, 'vie?

rocky-dog said...

Silvie, perhaps you should ask your mama for some foam??? Indeed, I didn't understand the marvelous taste of this thing. I saw you post of it, but had never experienced it until last night. My mama apparently makes her foam after dinner (to be civilized she says). She offered me a small taste --it was GOOD. So then she gave me a small bowl with my own foam. I hope this becomes a bedtime ritual for us.

But I digress, you DO seem to be a bit testy this morning. Perhaps you DO need to see if you can get some foam.


silvieon4 said...

Yes, foam is delish. I get 'pucino foam every morning. I guess I was a bit down over Mac's passing. And I am down because we continue to have to rescue. Connor is only 3 months old. Sigh...

silvieon4 said...

Rocky, I am so glad you love foam. :)They make fun of me because I start licking my chops as soon as I hear the 'pucino machine getting turned on. Did you know that you can go to a drive through 'pucino place and get foam? Honestly. Momma got me my own plastic card that makes them give me 'pucino foam. I even recognize the cups! Of course now they yell "No" anytime I get close to one of those cups. Apparently other 2leggeds do mind sharing their foam... who knew. Selfish. I do hope it becomes your new ritual. I love it and it makes m day start off right.

rocky-dog said...

yes, my mama got a special new foam machine and she says she likes to relax with a nice pucino after our evening walkie. I think I will have to ask about the plastic thing. I'm pretty sure my mama has one (or maybe a bunch of them) because John is always telling mama not to use it/them. I don't understand that part -- why wouldn't you want to use the plastic card to get something yummy like foam???

Foam may soon be my next best treat!

silvieon4 said...

These are pre paid plastics for the foaming people. Awsome...You show it to them and they give you foam. :) Love it. And because we go to the same one, they know me. I get a cup of foam and a cup of ice water. Cool no? If I could just figure out how to do the driving thing on my own...