Monday, February 22, 2010

Conversation with Charlie

We had lots of fun chatting with Charlie. We did find the 2leggeds who kept stopping and looking at us a little intrusive, but after all can you blame them? Four Bichons at once, having civilized conversation in a hotel lobby sitting on a couch is rather....novel to most 2leggeds.
[Auntie Robin, sad no? imagine what they would do if they saw one of our Bichon Bashes!!!! 60-70+ Bichons???? Hahahahahaha]

No, people. I will not tell you what we talked about. There are some things that should be kept between us Bichons. Momma, cut the paranoia, your name never even came up!

Charlie, thank you for making our visit special and for taking the time out of your busy schedule
to share a little of your life, we all loved meeting you and please, call us if you are ever in town so that we can visit.


1 comment:

Pumpkin said...

You all are so adorable!!
Pumpkin and Mom