Punkin peanut butter cookies
2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
2 eggs
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
pinch of cardamom
1 TBSP of honey
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Whisk together the flour, eggs, pumpkin, peanut butter, salt, cardamom, honey and cinnamon in a bowl. Add water as needed to help make the dough workable, but the dough should be dry and stiff. Roll the dough into a 1/2-inch-thick roll. Cut into 1/2-inch pieces. {Momma really wastes time cutting them like bones... just cut them and bake them already!!!!}
Bake in preheated oven until hard, about 40 minutes.
Dance if front of the oven repeatedly while they bake.
Bark around the table while they cool.
Eventually you will get one. Or two.
these sound quite tasty. I will have to nudge mama in the direction of more baking this coming weekend. last saturday she made homemade bread, which she will only give me little tiny tastes of (and SHE has killed off an entire loaf already all by herself!) and made a big pot of beef soup. I know the beef bone is sitting in the frigerator as is the leftover beef. It's MINE mama, all MINE!!!! I'm so glad it's getting cold out -- that means mama does more food! And we both know what THAT means -- stuff dropped on the floor that becomes MY property. So 'vie, any chance you can get one of your 2leggeds to bring you out here? I know your mama cooks way more than my mama does, but it's always a good thing when you get to try new stuff. Mama made this thing called a pirogey out of potatoes and cheese. Except for the cabbaage, they were quite tasty too! I really love this weather
Oh I would love to get far far away from the boxes, but I am afraid I am stuck with keeping momma's sanity. I am the one that calls time and forces her to stop. I am well familiar with pirogi. Potato and cheese yum. Did your momma forget the kielbasa? Momma also will do klushki noodles with cabbage and something she calls schnitzel which I love. My momma bakes and gives it away. Dang it. Seriously. You should see this sculpted bread that is rising. FOR SOMEONE ELSE!!!! I might have to threaten divorce or something. Wait I will take pics.
These sound yummy. I love anything punkin. I'm gonna get mama to make some this weekend. And I'm assuming the "dance around in front of the oven" is the most important step. You know anything 2-leggeds do turns out better with some help from us!
yummy! mom just discovered how much i love pumpkin, and this sounds like a great recipe to try out!
♥yuki and rocket
Y-U-M Silvie! That sounds really Tasty!! I love your tip about barking at them as they cool. That is how you claim them as your own, you know. If you didn't bark at them, who knows if you would even get one? It would be awful.
(PS - my Mama says pierogi ain't nothin' without a nice bowl of dill-licious borscht. It's a Kolchak's Kitchen specialty. even the pups get in on the beety goodness.)
This one is so good, it's definitely worth trying again! We just LOVE PB & Punkie.
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