My job as KS is never done. [Kitchen Supervisor] I am actually QC [Quality Control]... tough job.
Let me look!!! What is that? Corn muffin.... yuck.... as if I would ever eat corn..... YUCKKKK!
No, I don't care it is all colorful. It's corn...
Nice, Alton style? Ok, carve away. I am watching... that platter goes on the table right in front of me.
Oh Happy Thanksgiving 'Vie! And Happy Thanksgiving to the Wendy and JD and your Momma and the Judge too. But really? How could it *not* be a happy Thanksgiving with such a succulent looking giant chicken named after a country?
Zackly! Now explain to me why they need all the other stuff?
I mean really, why cranberry sauce? Why corn anything? Two leggeds... Thank you for your good wishes, I do hope your family decided to do American thanksgiving too. The big fat chicken named after a country that ended up at our house should have been proud. All 28 lbs of it were appreciated and were delectable. And, it was funny watching momma try to lift it. Mhhh I think I am wearing some of the big fat chicken named after a country. Diet time!
Hey... any leftovers? *drools*
Yes there were some leftovers, but the two leggeds packed all that up and took it with them! The nerve. But momma will make us another turkey this week.
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