My auntie Darlene, the artist, came over yesterday and brought us this FABBBBBB portrait of moi! I am grateful, flattered and utterly amazed at her talent.
I have written about auntie Darlene and her talents in the past. Aside from the fact that she is a Bichon momma, auntie Darlene spends a lot of her time working on projects to raise money for Tidewater Bichon Frise Rescue. You should see the neat stuff that she works on for the different events. I have to tell you, I do love her. I think I showed her that, when she came over.
Hey JD, you are not the only one with an oil painting of himself! I have one too! HA.
Momma, I would like you to find a wall. I would like a wall of moi. You know, something appropriate. How about you get rid of those framed whatevers in the study that all look boring and alike and with seals etc... OH? whatever.. diplomas, court junk, and replace them with moi moi and moi... I am cuter. I am way more fun... and you could enjoy moi every single moment!
Thank you auntie Darlene.
Auntie Darlene does wonderful work!! i had to take several looks at your protrait because it lookslike a camera picture. You look simply marvelous!!!
Hugs & smoochies!! XOXO
Wow she did awesome - you look amazing!!
Dear Silvie,
Your oil painting is quite beautiful! How flattering indeed! I wanted to invite you over to my brand new blog today...thought you might be interested b/c it's about two Bichons - me and my sister! Here's the link:
Come on over for a visit!
Excellent likeness! Your aunt is very talented and nice to give you that beautiful portrait. Where will your momma hang it??
Mom hung the painting under JD's painting. I will make her take a pic.
Kristin welcome to blogging!
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