Our precious Chelsea was adopted today. She's going with her family to her new home in Washington, NC :)
Chelsea just wait in a few weeks you will get to share your very first big GIANT chicken dinner. They call it TURKEY and it is delicious. Congrats girl friend, love them up and make yourself indispensable.
Doing the happy dance
(been a while)
SOOOOOOO happy for Chelsea!!! We just LOVE those giant chickens too!! Hope Chelsea is very happy in her new home!!
From never being outside a cage to never being held and loved, some of our puppy mills rescues are now having loving homes and fab lives. Kudos to auntie Robin who rehabilitates with love, care and compassion and boy does she screen prospective parents! But placing one of us is a real responsibility and we appreciate how careful she is.
Thank you Tidewater Bichon Frise Rescue for placing the needs of the dog before anything else.
Momma says from the human perspective, our adoptions also means the humans become part of the TBFR family, so they get adopted too!
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