Sunday, July 29, 2012

Witness MY tragedy!


OY! The hoooomanity of it!

Look at what they did to my beautiful signature long ears! Chop happy. That woman went chop happy. I know momma is as miserable about it as I am.

I rest this debacle on daddy's shoulders. He is there. It is HIS fault. They gave me a puppy cut! I am a sophisticated five year old, I am NOT a puppy, except when I want momma to hold me. Then I am her puppy.

And daddy, I don't want to hear that the haircut "youthens me up". Seriously. The mere fact that you have to say that makes me feel old. Males... ehh...

Yes, The Wendy and JD also got puppy cuts. I am not happy. They are not happy.

I resisted my instinct to hide in shame because I am a brave girl. I wanted to show you that I can carry on despite the indignity. I have had a talk with momma. We shall have a chat with groomer. Groomer, momma is ready to scalp you.

Sniff It will grow back right??? Like in a 3 weeks???

Do I have a hat or babuska or something until then?

Maybe my tiara, yes that...



Two French Bulldogs said...

You look beautiful
Benny & Lily

Marshmallow said...

You are still beautiful, 'vie! But if it makes you feel less self-conscious, I think your tiara would absolutely draw attention to your face and away from your ears. This butchery has happened to me before and I feel your pain.