Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Such great news. Such fab news! Holly and Hamilton are finally in their forever home, together, happy and safe.

Congratulation guys. Can't wait to meet your lucky humans at the bash. Hamilton, don't forget, we have a date.

My heart is happy.


Anonymous said...

My dear Sylvie,

Have you ever noticed how happy the faces are in the pictures when somebody gets to their forever home?? I was lucky to be able to pick out my mama when I was just 7 weeks old -- even though I couldn't go live with mama until I was older than that. Also, I saw that you have ducks just like I do -- we have 2 duckies that come to visit every spring to my park -- this year they brought a brown friend with them. And I, too, prefer my duck cooked and featherless.

For ever yours, Rocky-dog Carr

silvieon4 said...

Hi Rocky, don't you just love smoked tea duck? Unfortunately that is a very rare treat. Mh, wonder if these ducks know they are delicious.