Sunday, March 22, 2009

This one is for Auntie ROBIN

Dddddddieeeeet Fooooood.....

They [2leggeds] are exercising, so I am trying this diet thing, you know in support of...

If I turn orange somebody is going to be in trouble!

rabbit me


bichonpawz said...

Chloe hates rabbit food. Lady, on the other hand, will eat just about anything!! It IS a cute pic of you and your carrot though! Hope you don't turn orange!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Silvie! Good on your for helping your 2legged peeps with their dieting. Me, I like my carrots cooked. But every now and then a raw bit of carrot is good. Enjoy! I wonder what an orange bichon looks like? A mini chow chow dog? I dunno. I wouldn't mind turning robin's egg blue or pink for Easter, though.

silvieon4 said...

Just make sure they don't use kool aid on you to turn you colors. I saw a Bichon turned pink that way and it never washes out !!! Talk about abuse and bad taste! I like baby carrots chilled. But I do like soup carrots better. When momma makes stocks she half cooks my carrots in the stock. Those I really enjoy.