Having to keep momma "entertained". She has been sad.
RIP Chef Bobby Huber.
Momma, if only I had thumbs, I would cook for you!
Momma really is as blue as this bench.
I tried getting her interested in something. Something like this...
Recycling old sweaters
Or something like this... from Keep America Beautiful.
Making a personalized dog bed full of your smell, like we like it!
But she is just sad.
It is called "grief". I don't like grief. It is the feeling of empty you get in your soul when you lose a friend. It takes a lot to fill that empty.
I suppose all I can do is snuggle her, and let the sad marinate her for a while.
She is kissing me non stop. Yuh, non stop.... I am not saying another woof.
I need to behave... FOR NOW.
Oh this is for MAX.
Hey MAXXXX, look, new toy box!
When you come back you will have to test drive it.
1 comment:
Love the homemade dog bed, such a great idea.
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