Monday, November 26, 2012

And so it starts....

The shopping hunt for the perfect gifties.

Excuse me sir, where are the fluffy duck slippers that squack?



Unknown said...

You two look very fashion forward in your matching winter coats. Rocky-dog will not tolerate anything resembling a coat, a scarf or a hat. He likes to run around au natural. But Rocky-dog told me to tell you ladies he sends his love.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Where did you get those beautiful coats? My Lily needs one. Please let us know
Benny & Lily

silvieon4 said...

Lily, these are my old coats. I have new ones that I have yet to show off. If I recall I got them at TJ Maxx. They are Cynthia Rawley.

bichonpawz said...

Award Winning Silvie on 4!!! They should be in a magazine!!

Kolchak Puggle said...

'Vie! Wendy! Those coats...they're ...they're just...You look stunning.

Mike said...

Get these pups an agent, they got the face and the star quality.