Finally! And the patio is all cleaned up and so is the deck. So... why did the temperatures suddenly dip into the low 70s??? I mean, really it was 90+ degrees all last week when the pool was NOT ready. Who is in charge of the weather anyway? And can someone turn off the pollen please? Momma sounds like a man! Sigh. It still makes a pretty pic.
Dowi, come home and swim with me.
It could be worse, we've dropped down to the 40's over night again and it rained really hard yesterday and didn't get above 55! Mama is NOT pleased! An she has moi scheduled to go to the doggie-groom parlor tomorrow for a haircut! This is not looking good
Oh, but 'vie! It has only been in the 30's the LOW thirties! It is 50 right now and feels like a heat wave! Your pool area looks simply FAB!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
I'd take low 70s, 'vie. We're preparing for a snowstorm here....
I'll come home soon! I promise!
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