I am not listening woman, I am hungry and I am eating the misery you pass as food. She has been mixing too many veggies in my bowl [divas don't have to eat those] and she measures the food. ??? Diet??? Who invented that stupid word? She gave me lamb, a zillion green beans and count them... 4 bow ties pasta. 4! And it's that smart whole wheat.... 4.... that's all I am saying...
Oh, Miss Margie was not bad. like I needed a bath!
I must say you look stunning!
If it makes you feel any better, my food gets measured out too. When I decided to live with these people, I was a robust 28.5 lbs. In 3 short years, they've starved me down to 18.5. I would probably blow away in a decent gust of wind not to mention the constant hunger and foraging for anything I can find on my walks... it's a tough life being a dog.
You have our sympathy...we have not yet tried the whole wheat kind of pasta. You do look really pretty! Xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
Thank you Tank, what is this diet thing? The only one who gets encouraged to eat is momma, ok actually they encourage her to eat to take her meds. Ick...Tank they thinned you by 10 lbs... OMD, I suppose now they tell you you are healthier and you will live longer... Blah blah, but you look wonderful, you should hear the Wendy talk about you.... She really really likes you.
Ladybug and Chloe diets are rough...but she who rules has spoken. Her misery loves company....
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