I have no idea what you are talking about? What toys?
I don't know... Why are you asking me?
I am not cleaning HIS mess!
I am just going to rest , quietly... I have no idea why you are always blaming me.
Out of breath and out of focus, will you please leave me alone? I know NOTHING about toy rampage, I don't even know what a rampage is!
Boy oh boy... What a mess! Do you notice that The Wendy is nowhere to be found??
the victim of a vicious set of circumstances.
Hi Silvie - seems to be a lot of bickering going on here. Pawsonally, I don't see any mess. My advice (if you were to ask) would be to look innocent and continue to deny, deny, deny.
So what's in your BTR cocktail??? You ARE going to share aren't you? (sorry if I missed this, but I went back several posts.)
Thanks for your comment... I'm inspired to really spew some pent up frustrations about blogs and bloggers and claim "freedom of expression." Would I be committing blogicide? I wonder...
BRAVO! I like dogs who take matters into their own paws!
you should see the stupid thing taste and run! He blitzes like a Bichon, which means he has been watching us....
Wow, you guys look really puffed out with all of your Bichon lovely white fluff! That's number one. Number two is ...
Are you killing your toys all over the place? Remember you did that with your pillow a while ago, 'vie???
Gulp. keeping tabs are you? I have a pink pillow now and I love it. But sometimes, I have to redirect my rage ... I can't very well shake BP, can I?
We will come and HELP you RATTLE and TRASH BP!!! They make us very, very MAD!! OK...Mama too...makes Mama very mad. And the whole toy thing....I (Chloe) understand exactly your point. It is ALWAYS LadyBug's fault. Even though she doesn't even play with toys....doesn't even sniff them...ha!
That looks like my house right now. Dogs and their toys....
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