This is Layla, you guys. She is 4 months old and ohh that wild fur just makes me nostalgic for my puppyhood.
Alas now I must assume my role as mentor and role model. It is the circle of life you know.
Layla, darling, soon your forever family will find you and claim you and until then it is your job to learn, learn, learn. Your foster momma is a very nice lady. Just pace yourself. Don't pull all your pranks at once. Your foster brothers will not get you. 1. you are a girl. 2. you are in it for the fun. 3. I am sure that you are an attention magnet.... they probably don't like that. Been there, done that!
Baby girl, not sure if anyone has explained to you how lucky you are to have been rescued.
You are lucky. Tidewater Bichon Frise Rescue will absolutely find you the best forever home.
I hear my momma talk to auntie Robin and I know what screening process they have in place for applying adopters. Just chill and do your puppy job - learn. And most important of all, stay true to your Bichon nature. Be happy, stay healthy, learn to give kisses and enjoy your belly rubs. Endure your groomings because the pay off is a whole lot of petting and loving.
Mhhh. Have you been teething? What have you chewed up so far?
xoxoxox, you can call me any time
your friend
[ohh I feel OLD! Going to check for white hairs.... hahahahaha]
oh,silvie -- this is rocky-dog's mama here, little Layla is soooo cute. It's really too bad that we live in California because I'm sure I could get my husband to fall in love with this baby girl (Rocky is shaking his head at me -- he know's that his John-daddy is actually afraid of 4leggeds which is why Rocky will have to be an only dog -- bummer!)But I hope someone scoops this sweet baby up soon. I love that wild puppy hair!
respectfully -- mc (rocky-dogs mama)
Afraid? Was he bitten?
Oh she is ADORABLE!!! You tell Auntie Robin that I know how good a job Rescue does.....My LadyBug came from Susan Dare at Delaware Valley Bichon Rescue! If ONLY I could talk my husband into another one!!! Layla is so cute!!!
Hmmm,how to explain John-daddy's fear of 4leggeds.
According to mama, before she and John-daddy were married, John-daddy's mom and dad had a very ill-trained (in mama's words) 4legged. This 4legged did not understand the fine art of cuddling and instead it would jump up on 2leggeds and knock them down. This apparently happened to John-daddy more than once and mama thinks this 4legged may also have bitten John-daddy.
In any case, John-daddy doesn't really like many 4leggeds. Mama used to babysit another bichon elderly lady (Stella) who is at the bridge now. John-daddy got used to Stella, but never really played or cuddled. The only reason I got to come live with my mama was because John-daddy made a promise to mama a long time ago that if she got her weight under control, she could get a 4legged of her own choosing.
Mama had gastric by-pass surgery and I got to come live with mama and John-daddy. I've been here almost 4 years now and John-daddy is just now getting to where he will give me snackies (under mama's supervision), but he does not like me to be on his side of the bed and he sometimes makes me get off the couch if all 3 of us are watching tv together. Mama says we just have to go slowly and carefully and someday John-daddy will embrace me just like mama does. But this is why I fear I will always be an only 4legged.
your paw-pal -- Rocky-dog
Best wishes for you, Layla! You are being well taken care of until you come to your forever home...
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