Sunday, November 16, 2008

DESSERT District

Been BUSY! Something is going on at my house. They call it "Dessert District." It is a holiday thing momma does every year. She bakes. I should say SHE BAKES. Or more accurately SHE BAKES! I have been keeping her company while she works, so by default I have been keeping an eye on things. And speaking of "things," here is the thing: I saw all sorts of cookies, tarts, cheesecakes, pies and such. All manners of sweets, but you know what I have not seen? I have yet to locate a liver lip, or a brown squirrel cookie or an apple cookie or even a chicken nip.
I mean if Dessert District is a holiday event, does the holiday NOT apply to 4leggeds?

I almost considered calling auntie Robin. I know at White Cottage they must be getting ready for Dessert District too. And there are more 4leggeds there than there are 2leggeds! They must be having a much better Dessert District than what I see shaping up at my house. Maybe I can score an invite? Mhhh. While I am excited I soon get to see my other 2leggeds, or as I refer to them, my long distance humans... cookies are cookies my friend. Nobody messes with treats!

So, what's baking at your house? You have a dessert district? Does the dad have to taste everything at your house too? I am available. Honest. I can taste things for you. I am not asked to taste anything here... frumpt.

Pondering my options...


Vicki said...

Nothing is baking at our house! :( Mom lives with Kitty Kimber & me and she very rarely even cooks for herself. I think if she opened the oven maybe bats would fly out, or creepy spiders. Oh, Vie, can we come to your house where you can at least smell food cooking? Love, Blazer

P.S. Mom put the "Stop Puppy Mills" ribbon on my profile page on DoggySpace :)

silvieon4 said...

Dear Blazer, You can come and sniff all you want. The momma is mean and does not allow us 4leggeds to taste things. BUT she did make yummy liverissimo treats and I am getting a smidge of those. Love 'vie