" “Do I think animals are getting sick because they’re eating jerky treats? Yes,” said Kendal Harr, a Seattle vet and a clinical pathologist who helped push a petition for the resolution at the AVMA’s house of delegates meeting Jan. 10-11."
"The AVMA, like the FDA, says that while it’s clear animals who’ve eaten treats have become ill or died, there’s no conclusive proof of the cause. The FDA has been testing jerky products for more than five years, to no avail."
DUHHHHHH FOLLOW THE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
" The treats are part of the $21 billion U.S. pet food industry, including $54 million in sales last year for Waggin’ Train and nearly $60 million for Milo’s Kitchen treats, according to data compiled by Packaged Facts, a market research group."
"In the meantime, the AVMA and the FDA both remind owners that jerky treats are not a necessary part of a pet’s diet and to seek medical care at the first sign of gastric distress or kidney trouble. "
color me DISGUSTED
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