Friday, January 3, 2014

WHY????? because part THREE

My beautiful, my wonderful, my sweetest Wendy. You came to me with a bruised soul and a broken spirit.
Thank you for trusting me enough to let me love you.
The thing is... EVERYONE who meets you falls in love with you.

We spent the start of our relationship building a trust basis. I was down with that. Given your history, I expected nothing less and nothing more. You told me everything as I rubbed your belly every night. Here we are, 8 years later. I know you know I am your momma. Ghosts from your past are rare visitors. You smile. often even!  You give the greatest hugs and kisses. When I see you becoming sullen I now know that all you need is reassurance,

I want to grab you and hug you and squeeze you. But all you need is to hear me say: I love you Wendy, or sing It had to be you. And it did have to be YOU!

I know you know I love you.
And every time you jump on my lap without me asking you to... I do a whole victory dance inside my head. Seriously. It looks a lot like this...

So... when you get that far away look like this one, think of the victory dance. Who knows, Maybe if you come to me I might just DO IT in real life.

Think of that... momma doing a dance! It's worth a giggle, no?



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