Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I hear it's your birthday. Are you nine yet? I am. We wanted to wish you a happy birthday. BUT these girls want to tell you all about their life here. Some female drivel about validation. They want to show you how we live. Some caca about showing you that what you do is SPECIAL. DUH!!!

 Wendy is forced to squeeze herself in small spaces to feel safe. Apparently daddy's lap is   safest. The girls take care of each other.
Silvieon4 is constantly washing Wendy's face.  She has to. She has to de stink the face because momma's washes it with stinky stuff. That woman is obsessive. This is me watching my dinner being made. I like the freshly cooked stuff, a lot. So does the Wendy.

We wanted to show you what we have to put up with. We barely know our names. They engage in serious name calling here.  We are constantly being called: "Beautiful, baby, sweetie, honey, sugar, heart of my heart, love of my life...vita mia, tesoro....sugar lump of dirt..." see what we mean? You really should put that in the adoption contract. : "No name calling". JD keeps saying they are terms of endearment. Ohhhh, then, never mind! Mh. Endear me with some turkey works very well...

We have to entertain ourselves with tickle fights .Sometimes we go for as long as 15 minutes without a hand touching us!  Talk about neglect.  

But... on the whole... our complaints don't amount to a hill of beans... do not rise to the level of... are minor. We are spoiled accustomed to a certain life style and we are generally content. We have these two leggeds completely within our paws and we rule the household,
You did a fab job placing us. We just wish you would forget that diet word. Then life would be perfect...

Happy birthday auntie Robin, we love you the most.

Thank you
'vie, the Wendy and JD and the rest of the fan damily.


Two French Bulldogs said...

Happee Birthday to auntie. Love the last picture ofyou laughing
Benny & Lily

silvieon4 said...

I am ticklish... I really am and JD knows it too....