Sooooo, she made punkin ricotta chicken capelletti for us. Lamb ricotta punkin for JD. She went to get the camera and it said " Battery Battery Battery..." which apparently means it needs to be recharged... She was going to hold out our dinner until the stupid thing worked!!! OMD I am starving here!!! I did not eat breakfast... hellooo..We whined enough, actually what got her was Wendy's kitchen visitation. She only does that when she is starving... and when the smells are insane. She plated the din din and called us... sort of, we were like 2 feet away... She put the bowls down and ding she went to get her cell phone to take pics. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... She came all ready to snap snap snap...the empty bowls.... My resolve to be peckish again.... dissolved... Wendy's resolve to diet today... dissolved... and JD's resolve to act out his missing daddy by pushing food around, but not actually eating....dissolved.
And there she stood, looking down as we licked our chops. Compliments to the chef, but then again. the portions were on the small side. What did you do to that yummy chicken? It was DE- wait for it--- ---- ----VINE!!!! ahh you de-glazed! Loved it. Love you momma, sorry 'bout the missed photo op, feed the stupid camera once in a while...
Going to roll myself on the rug , ciao bella... baci baci baci... I love Italian food... I should move to Bologna.
Stupid camera. Does Mommy have a camera phone.
Yes she does, and she went to get it...but we were fast eaters!
you guys are SOOOO lucky to have such a culinary wizard for a mama. by comparison, even though she tries hard, I must sadly admit my mama is culinarily challenged by comparison. I didn't even NEED to see pictures to start drooling -- your description was sufficient. Oh well. Maybe my mama could take lessons from your mama -- would you like to trade for a short while???
Can you even imagine what the food is like in Bologna???? Enjoy your mama's cooking 'vie!!
I do know what the food is like in Bologna... momma's family lives there.
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