Last night, we received word of the sudden passing of Andy, one of our beloved TBFR alumni. A million thoughts flash in your head when you are confronted with news like this. Shock. Overwhelming sadness, of course. Grief that seems to come in waves. And then you think of those who are most effected. Puff, Andy's best friend in the world. Andy's human pawrents who loved him unconditionally and completely and who made his life wonderful. And you grieve. You grieve for those left behind. You share their loss. And you feel quite helpless because you can't fill they void they feel. You can't make them whole. All you can do is remind them that what they shared with Andy was pure, unconditional and complete love. Such a rare gift that is. However Andy started his life, the time spent with his family was paradise on earth. And you remind his family that although his passing was sudden, it was pain free. Please think back of all the happy times, allow those memories to help you celebrate Andy's life. It had meaning, it had purpose, it had love. Andy is probably reconnecting with all his TBFR friends both two and four legged. He is not alone.
Puff, I know you are sad. But you have a big job. You have to comfort momma and daddy and in turn you have to allow them to comfort you.
All of your TBFR family is here to help in any way we can.
'vie and family
RIP Andy...we are very sad for the family as is so difficult. Hugs all around.
With many hugs and tears to Andy's family. I know he loved you so much and you gave him such a happy life.
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