Monday, August 8, 2011

Wendy Pooh do you want to PLAY?


Momma is making breakfast, we have time My Wendy Pooh Bear... I have Brownie, want to play? We will smell when it's ready, come on.... please, pretty please . Check out my blurry tail!
I will give Brownie, you take him and hide him and I will find him!
Come on Wendy, play with me please? You can play!
Why is it that you never what to play, Oh ok, that is not true. You want to play when you are excited that we are going out.  Which is strange. I mean.... why try to play when we are going out? Play when we can stay in and play!!!
You go first. Come down, hide Brownie and I bet I can find him before breakfast!

She is thinking about it... always has to think.  What is up with that?  She is a Bichon, not a Poodle!

'vie who is looking for a playmate! 


Two French Bulldogs said...

we'll play, we'll play
Benny & Lily

bichonpawz said...

We would SO love to play! It seems LadyBug never wants to play when I want...then she wants to play when I am napping. Go figure...xoxo Chloe

Kolchak Puggle said...

Oh Viiiiiiieeee! I want to play with you! That stupid Felix wouldn;t play today either! BAH!

Marshmallow said...

I'd love to play with you too, 'Vie! Ricotta doesn't want to play when I do either. What's up with that?!