Do you really expect me to believe that winter is almost over? I have cabin fever.
Do I look like I was born yesterday?
No, I don't want to play puzzles.
No, I am sick of tug of war.
No tunnel games, no balls, no kill the stuffie.
I have done killed all the stuffies I want dead.
No blitzing. I am just not into blitzing today.
No, I don't want to toss my toy boxes.
I don;t even want to toss your pillows.
Don't you get it momma?
No, I don't want to go outside, it 's cold out there and wet.
What I really want is to go for a long walk at the boardwalk. I want to smell the ocean, the pretzels, the funnel cakes, the wahinis [that would be tourists...] the kabob stand... hear the marching bands, watch street performers, get all the two leggeds to ohh and ahh at me and want to pet me.
I want to feel the sun on me and the breezes from the ocean.
I want to smell the pollen and hear that infernal grass cutting machine roar.
I want to sit in the patio and watch frantic squirrels go up and down trees.
I need spring!
And before you dismiss my boredom momma, remember that boredom even kills germs!
I suppose I could let you snuggle me. But I will still be wishing for spring.
Sigh.... maybe. Maybe a trip out to the pet shop... maybe... sigh...
I have the blahs.
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