Wednesday, January 13, 2010

do CLOTHES make the dog?

As you know, I share my life with JD. He is for the most part, a typical male. [Smirking here] He thinks he knows everything, he is pushy, and he thinks he is the center of the universe. He does have some redeeming qualities in that I have taught him to play and he does play with me occasionally.

Now. My issue lately has been JD's attitude when momma insists on dressing us. Yes, it has been cold. Yes, she does it out of her need to make sure we are ok. It is still neurotic behavior, but we love her and... we put up with it. Mostly. Ehmm. I think secretly JD loves it. The moment she puts his coat on him, JD turns into someone we don't know.

Let me explain. For Wendy and I, clothes are ... an inconvenience. Not that I am not aware of the power on humans. I mean.... moi in my red Coach coat... I am positively irresistible! 4leggeds melt... Moi in my black and white Dior? Ohhhh I have stopped traffic!

But... JD. JD thinks his navy coat gives him super powers or something. Maybe he thinks he becomes James Bond dog OO7 or something! He immediately acquires attitude. He is normally an attention hog, but with a coat on he becomes ruthless! He pushes everyone out of the way. Not polite....
Not debonair. Not nice! JD... clothes DO NOT MAKE THE DOG!
Just because you look ... fancy, it does not mean you are special.

Dare I say it? Yes. It must be said.
JD you act human. Brr. There it is. I have said it. Wendy agrees.

Deal with it. Maybe this is the wake up call you needed .

Be yourself. Always.

'vie [who is always SPECIAL]


Mommy, I'm Home said...

Oh, but he looks so debonair...

Honeygo Beasley said...

JD is really stepping out - or rather standing out - in his stud-ly attire. Handsome!

I don't know if clothes make the dog. JD makes my day in a coat of navy or of fur!

silvieon4 said...

Chloe... mhhh he likes you too, he has mentioned that a few times. Maybe he should move in with you. Mhh, momma is shaking her head no no no... I am nodding yes yes yes...

bichonpawz said...

These pics are adorable! and JD...he is REALLY something, but you are correct...attitude is not such a good thing!!