Sunday, December 7, 2014

Black and White Sunday- who ordered winter?

Heyyyyyyy whoever ordered the winter.... IT IS HERE! 
We got rain and wind and chilly.
I don't like any of those!

Next time you decide to order something, will you please consult with me?

I am far more experienced in the shopping arts and I can think of fifty bizillion things I like way better than winter!

Amateurs should never be allowed to shop.

Momma and I agree. The only place winter belongs is on a postcard. 

Now, while the momma gets our breakfast ready, and puts a huge pot of soup on [hey you ordered
the winter, soup is obligatory now!] JD and I will find ways to spend some quality time.

I must admit snuggling in was ultra this morning.
I love being in bed all warm and toasty.
I love getting morning kisses from momma and the daddy.

And I love feeling all melty.  IT is IS a word!
It is when you feel all relaxed and completely surrender to the moment.
Like a melty cheese sandwich.

Apparently hoomans have a hard time getting melty. It requires some sort of liquor or something.

Hey, I have an idea. Grab your hooman, snuggle them up and see of you can reach their melting point.



Unknown said...

Well, at least when you get some Winter you have a great excuse to get all melty. Warm cuddles and snuggles are the BEST! Happy B&W Sunday

Unknown said...

Lovely post! I am feeling quite melty this Sunday. I have set my hooman heartgun to "melt!" :)