I wonder what really goes on at these White Hat Society gatherings.... Judging from all the feathers, there are some naked birds out there...
Do they have a secret handshake? Do they have a secret agenda?
I have to go nap now. I need to stay awake tonight in case momma talks in her sleep, I need to be awake to listen.
who has a white hat...and could join if asked...
Wow, that group of ladies in white hats looks grand, indeed. I can understand your wonderment, 'vie. But frankly, my dear, you could easily be accepted into the group, I am sure. Me, too. Because as Bichons, we naturally wear a white "hat" at all times, not just when going out - and ours is as fluffy as fluffy can be. So there! We can have our own white hat society, don't you think?
Bichon Love,
I know, right? I just want to get in the luncheon action. And I am sure something is going on because momma always comes back in a great mood... hmmm I will be up all night just in case she talks in her sleep...
Yeah ... I was just gonna ask ...
What's for lunch at these things?
Anything we like?
That's my kind of yummy.
Heck, a piece of a good roll is okay too.
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