Daddy, I don't want you to go on the icy roads. Come, snuggle me, I will make room for you on the couch, under me.
I was told that if you are given lemons, you should make lemonade. Well, we were given ice. Sounds like snuggle time to me!!!! Besides... I miss Dowi.... I miss Adam... I need a snuggle...
and Rudi the red nosed momma is tooo sneezy to relax with!
We do not like walking on icy roads. Our legs don't work
I just hate that my legs go flop and I get a wet belly!
Oh No! Your momma is sick again? That is not good...perhaps you could snuggle with her???? That would make her feel better...we are sure of it!!
Hope your daddy doesn't go out on those icy roads...we don't like them either...
Momma has a cold. Lots of sneezing and she is wearing her red nose and she sounds like a frog. But this morning she told me to clean up my toys... drats she is getting better... she noticed...
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