JD is trying to play. I am trying to listen to Froggy, aka momma.... March 8 she keeps repeating March 8. CARNEVALE. What is that??? She just went into the Florida room and started playing with her mask collection. She is muttering frittelle, she is muttering all sorts of names of foods, and I have no idea what she is talking about. She wants this carnevale thing to come, or to happen??? Ick she just hid her face behind one of those masks... I like the feathers momma, but the rest.... I am not sure. The only good thing ... those mask thingies are only human sized~~~~obviously not for Bichons.
I think momma is trying to make herself feel better by looking forward to something, but whatever this carnevale is... I am not sure I like it. That cat mask... has got to go... it is in such bad taste... speaking of taste... how does it taste???
Momma seems to be lost in some sort of fog...Venice, carnevale, costumes, galani, buranelli.... oh dear she is going upstairs to look in her closet for?????
My trouble indicator just went up.... the tip of my tail says this is NOT good....
I think nothing would be cuter then you marching with a mask at carnavale
Moi? Hide my beautiful face behind one of those overly glittered things??? I think NOT. I hate Halloween in any language!!!!
Wait... are chewies involved in any way??? Re thinking it. It is all about the chewies you know...
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